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Taxing the Per Mile you Drive – Hunt for Taxes

There are a number of states now looking into imposing a tax on every mile you drive your car. The leader of the pack has been the West Coast.  I previously reported that California wanted to tax space shots per mile they flew into the sky. Then California wants to tax taxi drivers per mile […]

Trump & Taxes

QUESTION: Do you support Trump increasing the debt by a trillion dollars? I thought you were conservative? PY ANSWER: Well the first thing you have to do is get a grip on what is a reality. Governments around the globe borrow every single year with absolutely no intention of ever paying off their national debts. […]

The Hunt for Taxes Destroying Healthcare in Britain

The Hunt for Taxes is now creating a crisis in healthcare in Britain. The UK government is gearing up for a massive tax clampdown targeting private sector contractors. The UK Treasury estimates in its budget that this taxing of private contractors in healthcare will create £185m in new taxes for the year 2017/18. This is known as […]

Iraq & Hunt for Taxes from American Contractors

Iraq has been accused of employing strong-arm tactics to make American military contractors operating in Iraq to pay exorbitant income taxes. They are running to Trump complaining that this is hampering the fight against Islamic State extremists – of course. The Iraq government is demanding millions of dollars in taxes that these contractors earn providing […]

Cars Sales Dropping as Taxes Rise

The demand for cars has been declining rapidly in Britain and that is impacting German car sales rather sharply. All price levels in cars have been declining, not just the high end. The sales figures for small cars and the medium class have already declined significantly in the last few months. Now the losses are […]

Left Opposes Lowing Taxes on Rich in France to Bring them Home

An online petition from the left in France is demanding that Macrone tell the “truth” about the tax rate the top 100 French will be taxed. They refuse to look at economics and insist that whatever wealth the rich have really belongs to them. Naturally, they have already gathered more than 10,000f French signatures demanding “truth” […]

Canada’s Hunt For Taxes Turns on Minimum Wage Earners

The hunt for taxes has turned to employees of companies. Any benefit you give an employee is considered “soft-income” and is to be taxed. In the USA, the maximum value of a gift I can hand an employee is $25. I can’t even give them a decent bottle of champagne for New Years. In Canada, […]

Taxes the Lynch-Pin of Civilization

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: I find it disheartening the more I try to advance my family to build a better future for them, the more I realize that the harder I work we do not really get ahead. I agree that taxes just keep moving higher and I am now looking for a job in my […]

Private Blog – Dow – Taxes – Future

Private Blog – Dow – Taxes – Future Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit  

Global Warming Taxes – Or Just Another Excuse?

Now that the German elections are finished, Merkel now comes with the tax hikes. This shows the contempt for the people assume that they are just stupid so do nothing before and election, then raise the taxes after. According to a report, Germans should not expect about a 50% tax increase on electricity. As the Bild newspaper […]