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Fate of the Euro

QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong. I attended the Berlin conference and already enrolled for Orlando as well. I have a question regarding the EURO. It is obvious that the EU cannot be sustained as is. I think, so far, I do understand the decline of the EURO. We see it happen. But Germany and France are vigorously […]

The European Elitist Dream – the European Union Also Known As the Superstate

QUESTION: There are now stories appearing about this nine-page document calling it and ultimatum for a superstate. But they are not publishing the document. Since you may have been first to report this, do you have the document? ANSWER: Yes. Please note that this is a radical proposal that sees the “European Project” (EU) as […]

The Father of the European Union – The Real Mover & Shaker Behind the Curtain

Most people have never heard of the real man behind the curtain who inspired the whole idea of the European Union, probably because his books are only in German. They certainly do not realize that his idea was to stop the inbreeding within Europe by mixing people and races to create the United States of […]

BREXIT Polls at 55% – Will the Euro Crash & Burn?

We provided this chart in our BREXIT Report which says it all. For all the scare mongering how Britain will be worse off if it leaves the EU, this chart demonstrates how the politicians are lying. Britain has seen only declining economic growth since it joined the EU and these are the British government’s own […]

The Death of the Euro

At last year’s WEC, we warned that the collapse of the euro was underway. We achieved the Yearly Bearish Reversal on the close of 2015, but we did so far below the number. We had been waiting for the rally to retest the 11600 level, which we finally achieved. The ECB monetary policy has been […]

The European Refugee Crisis is Changing the Face of Europe

For the first time in Britain, the number one name given to boys upon birth was Muḥammad. This is how Rome died. The affluent typically see birth rates decline and immigrants fill the gap. Ancient Egyptians were a red race and always pictured themselves as a different color that was more similar to American Indians. […]

The European Refugee Crisis is Destroying Europe

Things have gotten far worse in Germany ever since the Cologne sexual assaults by the refugees. The press tends to hide the crisis. Nevertheless, drawing only from German media reports that have made it to the public, a list documenting more than 160 instances of rape and sexual assault committed by refugees in train stations, […]

The Euro vs. Dollar — Feb. 9, 2016

The euro is still in a position to rally. The general view right now is that the Fed will not raise rates. With the stock market heading lower, this prevailing view of the Fed with respect to rates should dominate and provide a bid for the euro just yet.

The Euro Bounce

QUESTION: Marty: I have been waiting to sell the Euro on that reaction rally you have been calling for since your post on January 9th. You stated there that a weekly closing above “11055 area and a small gap up to the 11365-11375 area.” Do you think this will reach your 116 target or stop […]

Why the Euro Must Collapse; There Is No Prayer in Hell of Saving It

  On one hand, Yanis Varoufakis is a left-leaning economist, however, he also see the truth about debt and how Greece cannot possibly recover. For the most part, I agree with him in general principle as to the crisis. Where I disagree is his view that capitalism will devour democracy. I think he has not […]