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Model Overview

Within Western culture, the mere concept of economic activity taking the form of cyclical patterns of regularity is often dismissed as if it were a legend of ancient Atlantis or some mystic cult. The majority cling to the idea that economic trends and market movements are completely random occurrences within a constant state of unpredictable […]

G20 Leaders Plead with Fed Not to Raise Rates

  The degree of crisis that we are now moving into is just off the charts. The G20 finance ministers have urged the Federal Reserve to “minimize negative spillovers” from potential interest-rate increases. With the collapse of the Swiss/Euro Peg, they have been stunned into the realization of cross-currency borrowing. For decades, bankers have been […]

The Sharp Rise in Hoarding Cash = Deflationary Trend

In ancient times, whenever there was a rise in war or political uncertainty, the human reaction was to hoard money. The hoard of ancient Roman coins 3rd century we purchased for study from Britain years ago reflected coins of both the Roman Empire and the Gallic Empire. Even the debased coinage was being hoarded. This […]

Centralized v Localized Government

  The problem with the Euro has been the secret design to federalize Europe. It is one thing to create a central government for the major issues of international cooperation and defense and another when you try to create centralized control over everything. The demise of the USA is also in the cards because of […]

Europeans Hoarding Cash Increased 6.4% in 2014

In the United States, there was approximately $1.29 trillion in circulation as of October 1, 2014, of which $1.25 trillion was in Federal Reserve notes. Interesting enough, this was nearly matched now by the Euro. According to the European Central Bank , which publishes its balance sheet every week, circulating euro banknotes has just crossed the […]

Coming Emerging Market Debt Meltdown

It seems the one primary area that people disagree with the view of the future is the rise in the dollar that is on the horizon. I have warned that in discussions behind the curtain, there will be a move to replace the dollar as the reserve currency. I have also stated that the only […]

Banks Win Again – They Have Delayed (Repealed) the Volcker Rule

  Signing of Dodd-Frank – Now Virtually Repealed/Gutted The NY money center Banks won again in Washington, the second time in a single month. They succeeded in repealing Dodd-Frank and have now succeeded in repealing the Volcker Rule, which it is officially put on “delay” that will be permanent. The Federal Reserve has repealed the […]

World Overview

The Swiss franc tumbled on Today as its Swiss National Bank’s (SNB) imposed a charge on deposits for two main concerns. First, they are scared of a flood of money exiting Russia buying Swiss driving the franc higher and secondly they remain terrified of anticipated pressure continuing from the Eurozone if the ECB starts full-scale money printing early […]

A Coming California Earthquake?

California’s Drought Ranks Worst in at Least 1,200 Years. The flooding that is taking place warns of something else. The major earthquakes correlate to these periods of extreme drought and then extreme rainfall. That may place added street on the fault lines. We warned last April that there is a rising trend in magnitude. Our […]

Why Central Banks Buy Equities

  Why are central banks buying equities outright and trading futures? Very simple – EURO CRISIS! I have reported that central banks have been buying equities because there is a real crisis underway in central bank reserves. Behind the curtain, they need diversity because the Euro Crisis has creates a Reserve Crisis. There is no […]