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Saudi Arabia Crazy Hail Storms Going Nuts & Avenatti Playing Games?     COMMENT: Dear Marty, This is interesting weather change in Saudi Arabia. We usually have the air-conditioning running 24/7 365 days a year. And now… Also, I found your blog on Avenatti very interesting…. If he runs for President, and it looks like he is planning on doing so, he could be the […]

Sociopathy & Politics

COMMENT: What you discuss in “Are we Rewriting Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf” and “Hillary Advocates Violence Unless Democrats Win” are the ice people described in “The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout.” These are people with no conscience. Because your blog reminded me of the book, I am re-reading it. As the author says: “Sociopathy is […]

Can Merkel Survive the Hesse Election?

Merkel remains the face of Europe outside of the continent and the risk of Merkel losing the Chancellorship will be a serious crack in the confidence of the Euro. The Hesse election is now taking place and what is at risk here is Chancellor Angela Merkel and her grand coalition. The voters will decide Sunday whether […]

Is it the Elections or Interest Rates?

QUESTION: Dear Marty, Thanks for the continuous enlightening blogs about increasing interest rates and its effects on EM’s and others. Today on Bloomberg , they were discussing that the earlier 60:40 Equity bond correlation is breaking down and now it’s 100:0 i.e. both go up and down together. If I understand your view correctly , the […]

Forecasting Whatever Trend is in Motion Will Remain in Motion is Standard

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I believe I understand your criticism about analysis. Whatever trend is in motion people assume will remain in motion. This is dangerous in managing a company, economy, and climate. I read the New York Time from 1961 when they said the climate was getting colder. Perhaps we need to teach a course […]

There Are Two Types of Pole Shifts & We Seem to be on Course for an event Faster than Most Ever Believed

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I agree that something seems to be changing faster than perhaps we might have expected. Is there anything that points to how fast a pole change might actually take place? How long do such events last? Is that a permanent change? Thank you for a most thought-provoking blog PD   ANSWER: First of all, there […]

Gold – Has it Just Died?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your Global Market Watch picked the high in the S&P as September and called for a waterfall on the monthly level. That was amazing. Yet, with the stock market crash, gold could not even rally above the previous week’s high. If the bonds look like death warmed over, equities crash, then surely gold […]

Are we Rewriting Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf

The rising hatred between Democrats and Republicans over Trump has sent chills up my spine for it is so reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf, from which a read renders one departing with a sense of real devout hatred. I have always read the works of such people like Hitler and Marx, because it is important to […]

Kavanaugh is the Tipping Point for Decline & Fall of the United States

Kavanaugh’s hearing exposed the serious fact that the US Congress has become too polarized to even govern. What has been done to Kavanaugh is a serious disgrace for if the allegations of Ford are true, then she is at fault for not bringing charges back then and claiming it has defined her life. NOBODY should be allowed […]

Are the Neocons the Greatest Threat to World Peace?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have heard people say that the Russian sanctions were intended to overthrow Putin. Is it true that the Neocons believe that Russia will collapse and they will then walk in and take control of all their nukes? PV ANSWER: Believe it or not, the answer is YES!!!!! These people are HIGHLY […]