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EU Summit Reveals the Discontent – Are its Days Numbered?

The EU summit on Thursday ended illustrating the deep divisions and how the EU is collapsing. Poland has rejected the re-election of President Donald Tusk, who is Polish, for his autocratic leadership that refuses to look at the economic decline. Poland tried to block his election and this has led to a deep disagreement between […]

Market Talk- March 9th, 2017

Markets and sentiment did not do too well in Asia today after the decline in the oil price yesterday. Energy stocks were hit as were commodity relations as we saw mixed data out from China and weaker JPY. China released better than expected Producer Price Index but was countered by slower than expected Consumer Prices. […]

The Meltdown in Politics

The political world is melting down. The press is so bought and paid for and lost all sense of impartial reporting just the news. All I can say is this is the beginning of the end. Rejoice – you have a front row seat to witness the decline and fall of the West. It’s only […]

Rating Agencies Try to Influence French Elections

Standard & Poor’s (S & P) is being touted as once again trying to influence political elections as they did in Britain without success. While the US Congress wants to investigate Russia trying to influence US elections, they should look at the US track record of influencing foreign elections by the CIA and also the […]

Draghi & ECB Want to Regulate British Banks doing biz in the Eurozone

The ECB is living itself in La La Land. It is demanding that British Banks wishing to do business inside the Eurozone after BREXIT must obtain a license. While this is the same type of requirement for any foreign bank seeking to do business in the USA, the idea that the ECB wants to make […]

Why Majority of Fund Managers Cannot Beat the S&P500?

QUESTION: Marty; The Mises Institute said “Martin Armstrong is one of the most famous economic forecasters alive” and others call you the legend. I have watched your numbers and timing targets. I bought the Gold Report in 2016 and to watch gold peak exactly to the day you highlighted years ago and in so many […]

Market Talk- February 27, 2017

A few stories over the weekend from a potential vote for Scotland to a Le Pen victory could create a “worse than Lehman” moment. Asian equity mood and markets reacted to nervous weekend press as they watched the GBP lose 0.5% (before a mid-day bounce) and watched most core indices lose close to -1%. The […]

Market Talk- February 24, 2017

Another lacklustre session for Asian equity markets as we approach both the end of week closely followed by the end of the month. The Nikkei and Hang Seng both lost around 0.6% on the day with a small gain registered for Shanghai, but the big talking point remains the bond market and specifically the west. […]

Market Talk- February 23, 2017

A little rest and relaxation is a good thing and that is what Asian equity markets gave us today. Having seen the US markets set even more new highs rather than retrace the nerves were truly set after the comments alluding to the March rate rise. All core indices drifted with Nikkei, Shanghai, and Hang […]

The Left is Intentionally Creating a Coordinated Revolution

The left is intentionally fighting to remain relevant. I have written before how there is a global coordination among the left to rule the world and I am NOT one of those people who spout out conspiracy theories. This is no BS and certainly no joke or made up fiction. I was in London when […]