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Macedonia Reject Soros & the EU Socialism

For 26-days straight, thousands of people have taken to the streets in order to send the message to Soros and European leaders that the people of Macedonia are a sovereign nation who utterly reject the left-wing agenda to divide the nation and bring a socialist-Muslim coalition to power. Johannes Hahn is an Austrian politician, who since November […]

Government Is Not Reason, It Is Not Eloquence — It Is Force

COMMENT: Mr., Armstrong, your solution video is splendid. What you say about government only interested in a crisis and not preventing anything makes perfect sense. I believe it was George Washington who said: “Government Is Not Reason, It Is Not Eloquence — It Is Force” Thank you for standing your ground. FH ANSWER: I do […]

What’s Collapsing? Socialism or Capitalism?

QUESTION: Many people argue it is capitalism which is collapsing not socialism. How would your respond? ANSWER: Those people who say this is a failure of capitalism and not socialism simply are trying to come up with an excuse as to why their dreams are not coming true. Democrats champion the poor and middle class […]

Why Removing Trump Will Lead to Civil War

QUESTION: Marty; It seems that the left is winning in preventing Trump from really reforming anything and the Republicans themselves are divided over Obamacare. Do you see this change? Thank you for what you do. It is striking how on point you have been. LE ANSWER: The Democrats led by Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are […]

The Future – Putting it All Together

This is the year of political hell. The question is not about supporting one side or the other. This is a time that calls for us not to be small petty creatures but a case that requires rational human beings, which seems to be more impossible with each passing day. Never did there arise a […]

EU Summit Reveals the Discontent – Are its Days Numbered?

The EU summit on Thursday ended illustrating the deep divisions and how the EU is collapsing. Poland has rejected the re-election of President Donald Tusk, who is Polish, for his autocratic leadership that refuses to look at the economic decline. Poland tried to block his election and this has led to a deep disagreement between […]

Lana Del Rey turn to Witchcraft to Get Rid of Trump While Protesters are the Pawns of Special Interests

The singer  Lana Del Rey is attempting to use witchcraft to remove Donald Trump from the Presidency. She Tweeted: “At the stroke of midnight, Feb 24, March 26, April 24, May 23… Ingredients can be found online.” The cryptic message is all about witchcraft.  These dates line-up with the ‘waning crescent moon ritual dates’,  which are the […]

Unless Healthcare is Revamped – Unemployment Will Rise

Healthcare costs have continued to outpace inflation and just about everything else within the economy. Generally speaking, prices rise when demand increases relative to supply. The scheme of Obamacare was to force the youth to buy healthcare they did not need to pay for everyone else. The fines have been less than the costs so many […]

Machine Learning Programmers Wanted

We are looking to hire programmers interested in the cutting edge of machine learning as well as outsourcing specialty firms with sufficient staff. On-site work will be available in the Tampa, Florida region starting in about three months. If you are interested in moving into this new dynamic field, then drop us a line.

Trump & Gold Standard

  Trump has surrounded himself with a few people who believe that a new Bretton Woods conference will be necessary and they wrongly believe that a return to a gold standard will be beneficial. What they fail to comprehend is that we have had many gold standards in the past and they all failed. Why? […]