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The Real Conspiracy

All these conspiracy theories do is discredit, confuse, and misdirect the people from paying attention to government. I wrote when the Arab Spring began and they saw how the youth organized using Twitter and Facebook that the various dictators did not control, what happened? The US suddenly needed the INTERNET KILL SWITCH in case we […]

A Very Valid Point Behind Conspiracies

  The wilder the Conspiracy Theories, the more people pay no attention to Government and hand them more power in the process. Even then, people attribute such vast long-term knowledge and schemes to these people it is unbelievable. I have worked with people on Capitol Hill, in Europe and Asia. The reason they called me […]

Conspiracy Theories = Communism

Constantly people insist there has to be these “rich” trillionaires who are out to enslave all people and create some one-world government. It is power they want not money? Those in the private sector are only concerned about money. Goldman Sachs, I believe,  filled government spots to eliminate the power to prosecute them so they […]

Has Obama – Feinstein – McCain Violated the Civil Rights of Snowden?

It is a violation of civil rights to falsely arrest anyone and to and to engage in a CONSPIRACY for Malicious Prosecution of that individual. Such criminal prosecutions are common by the Feds targeting local police. But these types of violations are in themselves SELECTIVE prosecutions for they tend to focus only of the discrimination based […]

Roman Empire Sources

  QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong: I’ve been following your blog, and I’m an activist in a local city called Baldwin Park.  On a municipal level, I’ve seen everything you’re predicting happening. Here’s my question.  You often make reference to the fall of the Roman Empire.  The most famous book on the topic is the Rise and […]

European View – Switzerland v USA

QUESTION: Hello, One question: will a European’s money and shares held in Switzerland be safe from the IMF European bank bailout proposal? Thanks KR ANSWER: Switzerland has two risks. First, it has the biggest stockpile of euros of any central bank because it was trying to hold down the franc. It stands to lose big […]

Long-term (decades) v Short-Term Investing

QUESTION: “If gold and silver are such a bad investment, why are there so many “we buy gold and silver” shops opening up in my town (Dallas, TX)? Shouldn’t they have gone out of business being on the wrong side of this trade?” ANSWER: No. That really has nothing to do with anything. Whatever they […]

Why We Should Be Concerned About NSA

The revelations that Snowden has shown the world has exposed a real conspiracy against the people. It is not dark sinister groups trying to collapse the economy to create a new world of Communism, that was the fad back in Rockefeller’s day. They actually believed Communism would work and be fair. The USA adopted Marxism […]

Year End Closing Numbers

  Year-End 2013 Number   The Year 2013 has been a great year for equities and a rough year for commodities. Gold has put in its worst performance since 1981 while the Nikkei has put in its best performance since 1972. As we look ahead, 2014 will begin the rise in Civil Unrest that will […]

It is all Connected – US Population Growth Collapsing & That Fits In Nicely with the Economic Collapse

Everything is connected. The correlations are complex yet predictable. I have stated numerous times that the more affluent a society becomes, the slower the growth rate. Then add uncertainty and it gets much worse. The population of Rome collapsed and this defeats the Ponzi scheme of how governments assume they will always have a rising […]