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What Kind of Trader is Trading

COMMENT: Trading: I cannot do stock trading on the exchange as I will always loose.Trading is a zero sum business if you include seller, buyer and bank/broker fees.I believe that the winner on trading are the banks and the brokers. I believe that “Naked” trading and speculation by the big banks has ruined the free market and […]

The Value of an Artistic Eye – You Seen Patterns other Do Not

COMMENT: Marty; I just had to write to let you know how much you do mean to a lot of people given the stubborn goldbugs who do hate your guts it seems. I bought the stocks in 2011 with the turn in your model. I sold gold in 2011 and all my gold stocks at […]

Attacking the Messenger Didn’t Save Gold

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I have read much of the hateful vindictive slander that has been hurled at you by the gold community. It is really shocking how much some of these people hate you. The whole thing about Kristy was disturbing. I met people at your conference who sent her money claiming she needed it […]

NSA Intercepts Everything – Even Computer Deliveries

The NSA has now been further exposed by a German Der Spiegel Magazine putting forth that they intercept computers and have hacked everything imaginable. I have come out and warned about Windows 8 and took deliberate moves to remove it from all our computers. Any new computer we buy is stripped clean. When you create […]

Gold Worst Year Performance since 1981

Gold never actually broke out in real terms – only nominal. Adjusted for inflation, gold has actually been one of the worse investments since 1980. A $1,000 in 1980 invested in gold get you about $1,371 today compared to the Dow Jones that would yield at $16,000 plus dividends or closer to $18,000. MINING has […]

FEMA Camps – The Real Issues

A number of questions have come in regarding the FEMA camps and is the collapse in gold and silver part of some orchestrated economic collapse that is being planned by the bankers of Wall Street with the oversight of the White House and the full knowledge of the Justice Department. I am certainly not a […]

Listing of US Civil Unrest Incidents

  Baltimore on July 20th, 1877 1783 – Pennsylvania Mutiny of 1783, June 20, Anti-government protest by soldiers of the Continental Army against the Congress of the Confederation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1786 – Shays’ Rebellion, August 29, 1786 – February 3, 1787, Western Massachusetts 1788 – Doctors Mob Riot, New York City, New York 18th century […]

Cycle of War – the 6th Wave

QUESTION: Does your volatility wave based on units of 6 also apply to the Cycle of War since your 8.6 year wave builds in intensity into 6 waves of 51.6 years? Thank you for all you provide. You do open minds. HC ANSWER: Absolutely. In fact, this is why I am concerned with this particular […]

Our own Economic Survey

As the U.S. economy enters its fifth year of expansion after the worst recession in seven decades, our own leading survey we conduct with retail merchants report on average that this has been the best year in retail business since 2006. It did not top the sales of 2006, but every year since. We will […]

Doomsday Postponed? – Top 9 Theories Behind Gold Proven False

The report put out by MINING.COM on the top 9 stories that drove gold have proven to be false, is a very interesting read that people should take to heart. The real driving forces behind gold will be one of the topics at the upcoming Cycles of War – Gold – Sovereign Debt Crisis on […]