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Government Creates Crime Waves?

COMMENT: Marty: Your blog on prostitution has created quite a stir. I agree with you while I would prefer the profession did not exist, making it an underground affair makes it worse. I watched the movie Taken several years ago, a truly heartbreaking movie. What I really enjoyed was the graph of homicide with government […]

Crime Rises With Economic Decline As Does Nationaism – It is a Direct Correlation

COMMENT: Your story (of the little girl) tears at my heart.  However, it is one thing to feel sorry for her, but another to do something to actually help her. A few years ago, we adopted three little girls who were born to drug addict parents.  I wonder how difficult it would be to start […]

Gold The Real Long-Term View & Year-End Indicator

  Spot Gold 1789 – 2012 Here is gold in NOMINAL dollars back to the start of the USA in 1789. Taking the 1869 high and the 1980 high, the support starts in the 1100 level. But the oscillators are high and that was another confirmation that what goes up must come down. The closing […]

Free Markets Always Win

QUESTION: Hello Martin. Recently you stated “The entire central banking system is in serious trouble. They have manipulated rates lower but fear what happens when the economic pressure forces as rise.” In your opinion do any “free markets” exist or is the “black market” the only true free market left? And if all “markets” are manipulated how can there […]

Puerto Rico Teachers Protesting over Cuts in Pensions

A reader from Puerto Rico writes: “Teachers took over the PR Capitol to demonstrate against the move of the government to reform their pension funds.  Puerto Rico is a preview of whats coming.  Thanks for all your work!!” Indeed, you have to find this story way down in New Zealand. So much of this pension […]

Ukraine – Strategic From Every Side

All our sources confirm that Russia pulled out all the stops to get Ukraine on its side besides taking $15 billion of its debt, it cut the cost of gas by 1/3rd. The EU has its head in a cloud and cannot see that its structure is absurd. But to revise it now means a […]

French Strikes in Energy

The French refinery workers at Total have staged several days of strikes over annual pay increases, with production units gradually shutting down. Workers led by the CGT union have been on strike since last Friday over annual wage negotiations. Total’s management offered annual pay rises of up to 1.5 percent, which was rejected by the CGT.

Fed Tapers Letting As Always the Lame Duck Do the Job

The U.S. Federal Reserve announced plans to trim its aggressive bond-buying program by $10 billion but will maintain its key interest rate at low levels for even longer than previously promised. This is precisely the way things always go in Washington. Granted, only a 12% of the analysts thought the Fed would Taper today pushing […]

Cycle Inversions – Critical to Understand

QUESTION: you write: could be a major protraction/cycle inverson. is this a flip flop? what happened to capitol flows? dow 21,000 possibly 31,000? ANSWER: There MUST be a cycle inversion that takes place going into the end of this 51.6 Year Wave. If you do not understand cycles, you better start paying close attention. This is a chart of […]

Fed Meeting Tomorrow

The employment and growth data have improved since the last Fed meeting in October, and Congress has reached a two-year budget deal that takes them right up to 9/30/2015 perfectly in line with the ECM peak at 2015.75. Our target date has been published for years and is a straight mathematical formula. The precise day […]