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  Our services providing computer generated analysis is the most extensive in the world. We cover every market from Asia, Middle East, Russia, Europe, North and South America to the Pacific From Japan down to Australia and New Zealand. The Primary Advantage we offer is a consistent analysis not subject to human emotional opinions in […]

The Euro & Year-End

  The Euro has simply remained within the reversals holding the 12950 level on the downside and 14700 on the upside. A closing for year-end above 13588 will signal that we still should see the deflationary rally continue into early 2014.  The ideal turning point remains 2014 with Panic Cycles coming in 2016.   Here […]

The Euro has created a “lost generation”

The Noble Economist who once support the Euro has reversed himself and come out stating what I have been pointing out.  Christopher Pissarides has come out and stated that the Euro has created a “lost generation” as reported in the Telegraph. The problem we have is the self-interest. The whole creation of the Euro has […]

Seeing the Light

QUESTION: I want to thank you so much for helping me see the light. I was one of those lost goldbugs who expected hyperinflation and the only gold would survive. As you say. A loss is a loss regardless of the reason why. If these people know gold is manipulated, then why tell people to […]

IMF A Dangerous Marxist Entity That Rejects the Ten Commandments & Is Hell-Bent on Destroying Liberty For All

The head of the IMF is effectively a French Socialist who is hell bent on destroying the world economy imposing French Socialism on the rest of the world. Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde is of course a French:lawyer and politician who has been the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since 5 July 2011.  She is born […]

Gold Tumbles On Pending Budget Deal

Gold has made a sharp drop today as it still winds its way down. The concern that reaching a budget deal will also help the Federal Reserve to reduce its bond buying is on point. The budget agreement is another factor that goes to the heart of the gold propaganda machine that we would be […]

Italian Protester Armed with Pitchforks

On Wednesday before the vote of confidence in Parliament, the government locked down itself in Rome fearful of the rising discontent in Italy. The Italian government fears violence at parades a whole new protest movement. This protest is growing from Turin, spreading to Genoa, Milan, Alfano, Rome, Savona and numerous other cities. This is what Homeland […]

Anonymous Reporting From Ukraine

REPORTING FROM UKRAINE We will not disclose who is reporting directly from Ukraine for security reasons that should be obvious. So… oops they did it again – by night, at the best tradition of KGB. The Ukrainian riot police are moving against protesters and are using tear gas and batons. They are driving people out […]

Why Switzerland Is A No Go

COMMENT: “Switzerland is caving in all over the place. I just got notified the IRS wants to look at my 2008 return because I was a partner in a company back then that had a perfectly legitimate business account at UBS back then. Statute of limitations is up on my return, so I have reason […]

Bubble in Stocks?

The Amazing thing is people are already talking about this is a BUBBLE that is unsustainable. They are now claiming household income is down 4% yet the S&P 500 is up 70%. They are incapable of any real analysis. The RETAIL investor is NOT involved in this market. There is no wild speculative fever. They […]