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Diagnosis: Climate Change

For the first time in history, a doctor has diagnosed a patient with the ailment of “climate change.” A Canadian doctor from British Columbia treated a patient with asthma, diabetes, and heart failure who was struggling to breathe after wildfires in the Kootenays region. Dr. Kyle Merritt officially diagnosed the patient as suffering from “climate […]

Board Members Fleeing the Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve members are fleeing the central bank. We saw two Fed presidents resign in October amid scandal. Randal Quarles recently announced that he also plans to resign from the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors when his four-year term expires at the end of the year. Another position remains vacant as well. A third position […]

Join Us Virtually – The 2021 World Economic Conference

Restricted by travel? Join our 2021 World Economic Conference on November 5, 6, and 7 from the comfort of your home. We are offering a virtual ticket option for anyone who wishes to attend. You will receive all the conference materials, reports, and a full video of the conference once available. For more information, click […]

Spending 0.7% Global GDP on Climate Change

  The current flooding in Glasgow, Scotland, aligns with cyclical weather patterns. Of course, climate change alarmists are causing shockwaves of panic throughout the media. As you can see from the images above, fears regarding the weather have prevailed throughout time. The heavy rain is occurring days prior to the 2021 United Nations Climate Change […]

Biden’s Abuse of the Military

  In WWI, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, and Afghanistan, we asked our soldiers to sacrifice their lives to preserve our liberties. Today, using this orchestrated pandemic, we ask them to sacrifice their liberties to save our lives. Get the Jab or you are fired! They’re polar opposites. Remember the Bonus Army Then with 46% […]

Leaked Audio: The DoJ Knows it Must Acknowledge Religious Exemptions

Leaked White House audio shows that the Department of Justice (DoJ) understands that religious Americans may feel morally opposed to the vaccine as it contains or was tested on aborted fetal tissue. Furthermore, the DoJ acknowledged that those people are religiously exempt by law from taking the vaccine. Yet, Biden maintains that federal workers who […]

Demonizing Your Opponent

COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Your ‘great divide’ post just reminded of a story from when Trump was running for office. I work in a hospital. I went to see a patient to give them a medication. I said, ‘I came to see if you wanted XYZ.’ The patient said, ‘Do I have a choice?’. I […]

Turning Your Hatred of Trump Against Yourself

QUESTION: Do you think Trump was a better president? He was a moron! HJ ANSWER: I really think you are too caught up in this idea that the president is actually in charge of the country. I have said from the outset, the 2020 election was NEVER about Trump v Biden. If you really think […]

War & Money

History repeats all the time. With digital currencies, the next war may not be counterfeiting the paper currency of an opponent. This time, they will have to hack the banks and wipe out people’s savings to economically undermine their economy. This means that every bank will become a target to hackers, whereas traditionally in war […]

Powell on the “Economic Exit from the Pandemic”

At last, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell has begun speaking independently as he departs from the Biden agenda. Former President Trump and Powell notoriously clashed over interest rates, and we heard time and time again that the central bank was independent of government rule. Once Biden entered the White House, Powell seemed to be more […]