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Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure

Encyclopedia of Ethical Failure           Department of Defense Office of General Counsel Standards of Conduct Office Updated October 2014                 Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Disclaimer……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 Abuse of Position………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Bribery (18 U.S.C. § 201-Type Violations)……………………………………………………………… 11 Compensation for Representational Services from Non-Federal Sources (18 […]

G20 to Change Status of Bank Accounts = Investments

Governments are in DEEP trouble as socialism continues to implode (their OBLIGATION to take care of the people). At the last G20 they agreed to share info to assist all members collect more taxes. This year, according our sources, they are now going to address the behind-the-curtain banking failure. Tomorrow, there will be at least […]

UBS & Manipulation

Of course, the hate mail comes in about UBS from the diehard goldbugs still clinging to hope yet arguing at the same time that the metals cannot go up because they alone are systemically suppressed. It is really amazing how these people refuse to accept reality, yet cling to a market they claim cannot rise. […]

Something Is Dangerously Wrong at the New York Fed

In a speech this week, New York Federal Reserve Board President William Dudley addressed pervasive misconduct within the financial industry, refusing to dismissively lay the blame on a few bad apples. “The problems originate from the culture of the firms, and this culture is largely shaped by the firms’ leadership,” Dudley said. He offered some interesting suggestions on industry compensation practices, […]

Danger of Conspiracy Theories

  If you want to hide something in plain view, exaggerate it to the point it becomes extreme and convert it to a conspiracy theory. This is a very standard in how to create propaganda and if you keep saying a lie, its becomes the truth to many without ever having to prove anything. To […]

Too Big to Fail = Too Big to Exist

Several banks who are friendly and not the wild trading types, reported to us before that the Federal Reserve officials were visiting them warning that they needed to change their models. Now the Fed is warning banks that they MUST do more to curb excessive risk-taking. They have also been warned about the bogus claims […]

Government Cannot Regulate Anything – Bernanke Denied Mortgage With No Steady Income

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has been turned down for refinancing his home mortgage. Bernanke said:  “Between ourselves, I have recently tried unsuccessfully to refinance my mortgage loan” he told Bloomberg at a conference in Chicago. Reason, the lending standards in the USA were regulated. Ben went from having a steady job with regular income […]

Swiss Pension Crisis – It’s Everywhere

This whole idea of socialism has created a system that is way beyond what anyone in their right mind would have created. The Swiss pension system is at risk no different from anyone else. Swiss life insurance companies guarantee one part of the pensions of Swiss workers. Now the Swiss unions have figured this mess out and […]

Edinburgh Seminar April 29, 1997 Transcript

  Princeton Economics International, Ltd. Edinburgh Transcript April 29, 1997     I would like to begin today with a brief overview as to how we at Princeton look at markets. For those of you who attended last year’s conference I will try to be as brief as possible.   Effectively, our models are based […]

Low to Negative Interest Rates Force Investment in Private Assets – the Cycle Inversion

Perhaps the most perplexing aspect of the current equity trend that is not well understood has been the development of private investment by governments. Strangely enough, the development of the euro has totally disrupted the world monetary system for this has created a period of dramatic capital concentration in US dollar debt as the real […]