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Christians are on the FBI Watchlist

America was once a Christian nation with shared values, morals, and traditions. The government has done everything possible to remove any mention of God, as there can be no higher entity. This goes far beyond separating the church from state. Christian beliefs have been demonized with this woke agenda that goes against all mainstream religions. […]

The Unfolding Recession & The Coup

QUESTION: Mrt. Armstrong, Socrates has been a real lifesaver. It is refreshing not to have someone spinning their political views into everything. Socrates called for the high in GDP here in 2023 and that the high took place in May. Here, we have Biden creating money without regard for fiscal responsibility. Socrates has shown the […]

German Authorities KIDNAP Reiner Fuellmich in Mexico – Interview with Fuellmich and the COVID Investigation Committee

Reiner Fuellmich, an attorney and international freedom advocate, has been detained by German authorities. Fuellmich is the leader of the International Crimes Investigative Committee and works with the Corona Investigation Committee, which is working to unveil the criminality surrounding the release of Covid and the criminal response that engulfed basically every country in the world. […]

Soros Open Society Behind the Left’s Support for Hamas

The far left in America is supporting Hamas, a terrorist organization. They make it clear that they are supporting Hamas and not merely the innocent civilians of Palestine. Groups like Black Lives Matter have posted images of paragliders, which would have been akin to someone posting a plane crashing into a building shortly after 9/11. […]

Iran Threatens US – America’s Enemies Grow Bolder

America’s adversaries no longer live in fear. They see how divided the nation has become under one of the most disastrous administrations in US history. Only a few short years ago this would not have happened. When the Taliban was threatening the US, then President Trump sent the leader of the Taliban a picture of […]

Argentine Follows US Charging Political Oppoent To Influence Election

A prosecutor launched a criminal case Friday against Argentina’s frontrunner in this month’s presidential elections, accusing Javier Milei of deliberately causing a drop in the Argentine currency when he encouraged citizens not to save in pesos. What the United States has done to Donald Trump has set the standard for the world. We will see […]

History Repeating All Over Again

The 1848 Berlin Revolution QUESTION: You have mentioned that the 1848 Communist Revolution that swept all of Europe was a political contagion. Am I correct in assuming this is what you suggest comes post 2024 going in 2032? Paul The French 1848 Revolution ANSWER: Yes. We all have heard of the 1846 -1852 Great Hunger/Great […]

Biden’s $6 Billion Gift to Iran

The Republicans condemned Biden for providing Iran with a $6 billion ransom in exchange for hostages. “This decision will be extremely deadly. Biden is giving $6 billion to the world’s leading sponsor of state terrorism,” Trump said, promising that the funds would be used for immediate violence and to enhance Iran’s nuclear weapons program. The […]

Market Talk – October 9, 2023

ASIA:   China is expected to meet its 2023 economic target with a 5.1% GDP growth prediction for the fourth quarter, according to the Institute of Economics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. However, they also noted a slowdown in growth, with 4.6% growth in the third quarter, down from 6.3% in the second […]

Nationwide FEMA Emergency Alert Test Today

Some people are deeming October 4, 2023, as “Turn off Your Phone Day.” Every phone across America will flash and ring with an alert from 14:20 to 14:50 hours ET. “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed,” will appear across every wireless cell phone screen at the […]