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Chinese Protestors Escape Facial Recognition with Lasers

  Welcome to the new world. Protestors in China have cleverly found a way to avoid police facial recognition software by pointing an array of lasers at the police. China has perhaps the most extensive facial recognition of any country. SenseNets, a facial recognitional company in Shenzhen, experienced an internal leak in early 2019. The […]

The World According to Schwab?

QUESTION:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, First, thank you for all the wonderful work you do. I have been following your blog for many years and am always amazed at your insight and historical knowledge. I had a question regarding your assertion that the WEF/ Globalists will not win. I am assuming you mean that their vision […]

The Coming Civil War

COMMENT: There has been and is increasing talk in all media of a coming ‘civil war’. Your article ‘Bidenomics & Vilification of Trump’ well explains the intentional polarization of the public and clearly states this will only end very badly. The CW of 1861 Blue vs Grey, North vs South was a war of geography […]

Market Talk – August 22, 2022

ASIA: China cut its benchmark interest rate and cut its benchmark mortgage loan by a wider margin on Monday, adding to last week’s easing measures as Beijing ramps up efforts to revive an economy battered by an asset crisis and a resurgence of COVID-19 cases. The People’s Bank of China (PBOC) is walking a tightrope […]

Bidenomics & Vilification of Trump

  QUESTION: The general view is that Trump has turned the Republican Party into his Party – Trumpism. You seem to support Trump. Would would respectfully explain why? DH ANSWER: This is a very clever tactic by the Democrats to try to turn Republicans against the Republican Party and to vote for the Democrats while […]

Market Talk – August 18, 2022

ASIA: India’s oil imports from Russia fell in July for the first time since March, along with its overall purchases, while supplies from Saudi Arabia rebounded for the first time in five months, data from trade and industry sources showed. Indian refiners lifted more futures from Saudi Arabia as prices were attractive, while prices for […]

Canada to Launch Digital Identity Program

Trudeau is pushing forth the Great Reset at any cost. Canada will impose a federal “Digital Identity Program” to help the World Economic Forum develop a global ID system. Since the COVID passports failed, they are outright demanding that everyone carry proof of their digital identity. Canada’s Digital Ambition 2022 report revealed the details of […]

Why Do Democrats Create More Laws That Harm Society?

Shakespeare’s famous line was: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” To put that in its proper context, only the king had an attorney, so they were prosecutors. When we look at the real difference between Republicans and Democrats who enter politics, it becomes an indictment against the legal profession. Lawyers are […]

Market Talk – August 17, 2022

ASIA: Japan’s imports jumped to a record amount in July, boosted by global fuel inflation and a weak yen, outweighing exports and deepening the trade deficit, in a sign of a further worsening in the terms of trade for the export-oriented economy. Ministry of Finance data showed on Wednesday exports grew 19.0% in July from […]

South Korea Offers Olive Branch to the North

Russia recently claimed that it had been a close friend of North Korea since World War II, when Japanese forces were expelled from the peninsula. In a celebratory speech, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol mentioned how the end of Japan’s colonization was a win for both Koreas, albeit leading to their nasty divorce. Yoon […]