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Taal Volcano Erupts in Philippines

COMMENT: Dear Martin, You might find this interesting. Today the Taal volcano in Luzon, Philippines, erupted in a violent way sending an ash plume as high as 16 km (55.000 ft). The last time this volcano erupted was in 1977. This is 43 years ago which equals to 5*8.6. The low solar activity seems to […]

Exploitation of Greta – Greenpeace & Al Gore

COMMENT: So it seems that Greta Thunberg was not a true believer in climate change, but that her parents got her involved in the movement so as to help with her Aspergers and severe depression. Unbelievable–no wonder she seemed so unstable during her speeches. MHB REPLY: It has been well known that Greta Thunberg had […]

Netherlands Supreme Court Rules They Must Reduce CO2 by 25% by end of 2020!

QUESTION: Marty, I just read that in the Dutch so-called climate Justice case the supreme court has upheld the original 2015 ruling, legally requiring the government to reduce emissions by 25%. This appears to be the first successful such case, and it might be a precedent for the others. What about the separation of powers if […]

Puerto Rico Earthquake

Many people have been writing in asking what does Socrates have to say on the earthquake that shook Puerto Rico. This was the first people have really felt since 1917. While such earthquakes may appear to be rare events, there is a general 19.29-year cycle on earthquakes in that general region of the Caribbean. Here […]

The Decline & Fall of Religion?

In truth, everything has its cycle. There is no escaping this reality upon which the entire universe was created. There has been a steady decline in church membership which has been consistent with perhaps the politically correct movement with the broader societal trends that also manifest in the declining church attendance. There appears to be […]

Market Talk – December 31, 2019

We would like to wish our readers across the globe a happy new year! Market Talk will resume on January 2, 2020. ASIA: With the year coming to a close, it is the Chinese stock market that performed the best in the region with the Shenzhen Composite rising 35%! The Japanese Nikkei also performed well, […]

Charlemagne, Vikings & Global Warming

QUESTION: Would u care to comment on after the Roman Empire fell, and how the franks a collection of tribes given there own area Holland in today’s terms then eventually taking over Europe to be broken up in to, Four after the main franks king died and split it between four sons.  It later all […]

The ECB & its Green Agenda

QUESTION: Marty, what do you think about Legarde claiming the top priority of the ECB is climate protection? DK ANSWER: The proposition that the primary objective of the ECB should be climate protection is highly questionable even from a legal perspective. The European Treaties created the ECB with the primary function to ensure price stability. […]

Market Talk – December 19, 2019

ASIA: A report from China suggests that capital flows are fleeing from the region at a record pace. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange commented that the situation is critical in order to maintain market stability. The Chinese ambassador to Australia has said that Australia must abandon criticism of China. The ambassador wishes to improve bilateral relations […]

The British Elections & US 2020 Election

There has always been a very interesting correlation between British politics and American. Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister on the 4th of May 1979. Ronald Reagan was elected on November 4, 1980. The BREXIT referendum took place on the 23rd of June 2016. Donald Trump was elected on November 8, 2016. The political trends have […]