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Gates & Schwab Control Europe

  I have warned from the outset that the entire COVID Pandemic has been created. The idea of COVID Passports is to reduce travel to cut CO2. Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the EU, was also a board member of the World Economic Forum. So is the head of the IMF and the […]

New Evidence that World Trade Center was Not a Surprise – More lies?

  Recently, a new tape has emerged from a private camera that was there during 911 filming the collapse of World Trade Center #7 from a different angle – the only one that no plane ever hit. I have stated that the coincidence with WTC7 collapse was a wipeout of evidence as was the Pentagon […]

Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestine Clash in NYC

New York City may be the melting pot, but that also has its downside. Pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protesters have clashed near Times Square. The tensions in New York City over the conflict between Israel and Hamas illustrate that this is not a conflict that will simply pass. The deep resentment extends through the generations and […]

NYC in Crash Mode?

New York City is dying thanks to COVID. It has really killed Broadway. When I would often go to a play, the vast majority were tourists from overseas. I would often listen to the different languages being spoken around me. New York City is clearly dying as a mass exodus has taken place of not […]

The UN & its Plan to Rule the World

  I have been in meetings over the 40 years of my career, which were always dancing around the idea that we needed a one-world government. There have been those who have tried to get me drunk, hypnotize me to get me on a private jet to some secret place, to try to entice me […]

Fintech Banking by Sheer Force of Regulation

COMMENT: Dear Marty Something strange is happening with the European banks. For some time banks such as ING or CITCO have been closing down our company’s bank accounts claiming they cannot do business if the UBO owns more than 25% of the company. Now we are finding it near impossible to open new accounts with […]

The Birth of a Middle East War?

With the battle raging in Israel/Palestine, there is always going to be propaganda that points the finger at the other side. Over the past 15 years, Israel has fought wars multiple times, but as always, Israel is in danger of fighting a war where it “wins” tactically, but achieves nothing strategically. Meanwhile, generations come and […]

US on the Brink of Civil War?

2021 US Open Letter from Retired Generals and Adm   Indeed, I have been warning that our models have been pointing to tremendous civil unrest which will eventually lead to the break-up of the United States post-2024 and the war this Great Reset unleashes upon the world. People like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are […]

Mental Health Pandemic

There is what many in psychology are calling the Shadow Pandemic. Depression among teenagers is widespread. They cannot cope with the lockdowns, and there is no consideration for their mental health coming from Fauci, no less any politician or those pulling their strings like Schwab and Gates. The Mayo Clinic has warned: “During the coronavirus […]

25-Year-Old Gives Birth to 9 Babies as US Birthrate hits 42 Year low

While the population has been declining sharply during this COVID planned-Demic dropping 4% in the USA during 2020 which should bottom-out on a 43-year-cycle in 2022, on the opposite side of the world there is a 25-year-old who was told she would be having 7 babies, shocked everyone when two more then showed up – […]