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New Fed Chairman – a Woman

Ben Bernanke will leave office most likely in January when we have more Panic Cycles and that has been shaping up as a turning point. Bernanke is not dumb. He can see the problem with keeping rates so low and realizes they will rise on their own anyhow. The monetary easing is coming to an […]

Euro Forecast

The Euro made its new high today on the 17.2 frequency. We did not exceed the key resistance and if we now close lower, we should see a retest of support. A closing below 13180 will confirm a sell signal. The market volatility began on target so now watch the closing. Going into next week, […]

USA – Has it become Reagan’s Definition of an Evil Empire?

The phrase “Evil Empire” was applied to the Soviet Union by U.S. President Ronald Reagan, who characterized the Soviet Union’s strategic and global military capabilities of world dominance. The characterization was viewed as demeaning by the Soviet leaders. However, everything that Reagan used to justify that label the NSA, Feinstein and Boehner have adopted and […]

Flash Crash & No Bids – Just Normal Stuff

  JP Morgan, Jr Senate Hearing 1933 A Flash Crash in silver is no different than a flash crash in stocks, bonds, or anything else. It is the same root cause of all panics – the lack of bids. Every  stock market crash ever since 1907 has been followed by an investigation with the theory that […]

Gold & Timing

Bull markets I have stated many times are 7, 11, 13 or 21. Gold has three very interesting bottoms. The 1999 is the intraday low. 2000 is the lowest yearly closing. Then 2001 produces the lowest quarter closing. This is an interesting set up that is rare to say the least. So effectively, both the […]

The British Pound

QUESTION: I remember your forecast that the pound would fall to par back in 1983. I thought you were mad, whilst something inside me captured my attention. When our beloved pound fell to par, I attended every one of your London seminars after 1985. You have my attention. When you say the dollar can go […]

Why Markets Decline

Well that post has brought tons of emails from those in the engineering world. Glad the light has gone off. We need to turn it on in government. One comment wrote: When you discuss containing velocity of the markets and changing the velocity do you refer to increasing the speed of the implosion and or […]

Cycle Inversion & Reactions

QUESTION: What is a cycle inversion? This reaction period of 2 to 3 years how do you know it will extend or not? ANSWER: Cycles are turning points in time. You cannot always ascertain what the event will be a high or a low near-term. However, it is a turning point producing an event. Normally, […]

Windows 8

A reader in the field writes to correct the posts regarding Windows 8. To clarify, indeed, all systems since Windows 2000 phone home. What I object about with Windows 8 is that it now reports 3rd party programs that you install. Granted the theory is they are protecting you like government. This I find offensive […]

Model Forecasts – We are Getting There

Yearly 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Turning Point T – T T – T Dir Change – – – D – – Panic Cycle – – – – – – Pattern D U U U U D The computer models will be accessible very soon in time for the craziness this fall. This is […]