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Understanding Inflation – Chicken or the Egg

QUESTION: Hi AE….think I finally get your message about money supply vs inflation. But aren’t we just dealing with a difference of semantics? If the gov’t prints endless amounts of currency, that HAS to. at some point, impact prices etc. which in turn, eventually leads to a collapse in confidence. (Savers can’t afford to buy […]

Your Questions

QUESTION #1: If China is held liable for the virus damage then why could we not void all the bonds they hold as a payment for their damage to our economy? That would free up some debt and be a stimulus as well it would seem to me. The CCP is working every day to […]

Market Talk – October 19, 2020

ASIA: The IMF estimated China’s GDP will grow by 1.9 percent for all of 2020–the only major economy to inch back into positive territory in a year that saw economies around the globe tumble sharply. Chinese officials announced this week that the country’s economy grew by 4.9 percent in the third quarter, a positive sign […]

IMF’s New Bretton Woods Moment

COMMENT: The IMF & a new Bretton Woods? When are you going to admit that everything they are doing is because of you and your models? Fes-up! HC REPLY: I understand that it appears they have been following our models from the January 18, 2020 turning point to the Sovereign Debt Crisis and looking into […]

Big Bang & USA

QUESTION: Do you see the Fed moving to digital currency and perpetual bonds simultaneously with other nations? I think it would be harder to pull off here, but then again, they may have no choice. I guess they have a lot of reasons to get rid of Trump, but there’s more on the side of […]

Welcome to the next 2 years of Sheer Madness

QUESTION: You do not think given the present animosity between the 2 parties, it would be best to let the Democrats win? If you consider the KAOS for example fallowing a republican win, wouldn’t It be best to let the communists win, give them 4 years to destroy the economy, & any chance they will […]

Debate – Who Won?

QUESTION #1: Who do you think won the debate? RG COMMENT #1: Agreed. Our President had an opportunity to reach out to the nation and win over fence sitters, but I feel he failed miserably. He seemed more intent on pissing off the competition. I find it sad. J ANSWER: I think it was a […]

Parliamentary advisor to the German Bundestag Has Come Out Warn the People

Warnung an die Bevölkerung Anonym, September 2020 Parlamentarischer Berater des Deutschen Bundestages Liebe Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger, ich wende mich als Mitarbeiter des Deutschen Bundestages mit der Funktion eines parlamentarischen Beraters an Sie. Durch meine Tätigkeit im Parlament habe ich Kenntnis davon, dass den Menschen in unserem Land wichtige Informationen in Zusammenhang mit der Coronakrise gezielt […]

The Markets & the Political Chaos into the Future – Where do we go?

Sometimes it is important to try to look at markets from an interrelated perspective. Here is the Dow/Gold Ratio which shows the extreme high in the Dow when gold made its historic low in 1999. We then see that gold rallied into 2011 against the Dow, but since that high, the Dow has been gaining […]

Black Market & Gold

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, If this “Great Reset” movement pushes gold underground, what would that mean for gold producers? I recall reading on your blog that when gold was confiscated in the United States to devalue the Dollar, gold producers were happy because governments started buying their product at a fixed price which allowed the […]