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Monday Night Presidential Debate – The Defining Moment? Will Democrats Choose between being American or a Democrat?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Does you computer still project a Trump victory? It is beginning to look like it might be right. ANSWER: Yes. It does not change. It projected that many years ago and it projected a rise in this anti-establishment/3rd Party movement would begin in 2016 following the 2015.75 turning point. It will not […]

Mainstream Media join Conspiracy against the American People

The weekly White House Watch telephone survey by Rasmussen Reports finds Trump with 44% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 39%. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson comes in at 8% of the vote, with the Green Party nominee Jill Stein registering only 2% and 3% prefer some other candidate altogether. The undecided is coming in […]

Fed Seeks to Prohibit Companies from Merchant Banking to Promote Lending

The Federal Reserve wants to take away the ability of Goldman Sachs and other banks to invest in companies rather than acting as bankers and lending. The U.S. banking regulators are urging Congress to prohibit merchant banking where firms buy stakes in companies rather than lend them money. They are pushing for limits on Wall Street’s ownership […]

Powell Confirms Israel has 200 Nuclear Warheads

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell’s private emails reveal a lot more than a very questionable Hillary. The leak by hackers has revealed that Powell confirmed that Israel has nuclear weapons and has amassed 200 warheads. Of course, Israel has never confirmed that have any nuclear weapons. The very existence of its weapons has been classified information by […]

Is the World Political Economy Melting Down?

Many people have asked are we collapsing as did Rome? The answer is absolutely YES. Like Rome, the state always turns against its people as its need for money always expands. Like the Romans, we have lost our independence, our integrity, and our freedom. The world political economy is melting down before our eyes as […]

The Coming Dark Age

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for the time you are spending to educate the public about what it really going on. I have followed your work for years, from before you were released from prison. Over the years you have made several comments about directional changes and have alluded to the idea that a crossroads […]

Terrorism Turning to Knives, Axes & Machete rather than Suicide Bombings

The rise of militant terrorists home-grown is much greater than people realize. No gun control will stop them because the knife, hatchet and machete have begun to replace suicide bombings. It is taking place even in Canada. A man with a machete attacked police in a shopping mall in Calgary. There was the July 18th, 2016 attack […]

President of Haiti Exposes Clintons’ Corruption Pocketing 98% of the Money Donated for Relief Haitian President has come publicly to expose the corruption of the Clintons and their Clinton Foundation. Of the billions of dollars donated to help the Haitian people, he has stated publicly that only about 2% was given to the people. He further exposes the drugs sent into the USA from Haiti and the money was […]

Fuldaer Zeitung: “When increasing money supply causes deflation”

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I read your piece published in the German Press Fuldaer Zeitung yesterday how “When increasing money supply causes deflation”. Thank you so much for publishing in the German media. This has opened my eyes to why we continue to decline into deflation. This proves the old saying a prophet is never recognized in […]

Can the Dow Crash with Little Retail Participation?

  QUESTION: Hi Martin, thank you for your great work with Socrates and especially for presenting the Indicators for us whom are still outside of the Trader Level.   I have some question about the recent sell off in the DOW. True, it was really time for a correction/drop. But the retail investors are still […]