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Is it Our Time to Rock & Roll?

QUESTION: Marty, Sometime you compare today’s financial markets and economy to what was going on in the mid to late 1920s . Woodrow Wilson is even referenced concerning the flight of capital and of course that flight came to the United States. You also say that the global markets and economy are unlike anything in […]

Politicians Love a Crisis

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for your blog. It has taken the veil off my eyes. As I understand, not only is the hypothesis that mankind can alter the Earth’s climate nonsense, it is also detrimental to the world’s economy. It misplaces important resources, and anti-CO2 regulations hinder growth and the betterment of mankind. […]

Can Government Prevent a Major Debt Crisis?

QUESTION: Hi Martin I recently stumped upon a documentary on Netflix about you and your model. I then went on and watched some YouTube videos. To me it makes totally sense that taxation does not work, but how can we change it. Do we need to become politicians? We have a very high tax in […]

Elizabeth Warren’s Insane Proposals

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Elizabeth Warren’s proposal seems to lack any comprehension of the economic impact. She has said: “To put our economy — and our families — on firmer ground, it is essential to reduce household debt both by raising people’s wages and by bringing down their costs. That is the heart of her economic […]

Climate Change Has been a Routine Scare Tactic Since the 1930s

QUESTION: Is there a pattern? C ANSWER: For whatever reason, these people have been promoting that the cities will all sink and we are the cause of it all. They have been touting this scenario since the 1930s when there was the Dust Bowl. It resurfaced after World War II when they were trying to […]

AOC: Stop Reproducing – Save the World

Stop Reproducing – Save the World Let’s prevent climate change, a naturally occurring cyclical phenomenon, by not having families. The proposition sounds like a dystopian nightmare out of Orwell’s “1984,” but it’s now the latest suggestion of “progressive” NY Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “Our planet is going to hit disaster if we don’t turn this ship […]

Life is Not Fair

IRS: Hello; This is the IRS helpline. What is your problem? Obviously, you owe us money or you would not be calling. CITIZEN: Can you explain why I owe you money? IRS: Its called taxes. CITIZEN: Well how much do I owe? IRS: That is your job to figure it out. CITIZEN: So I just […]

Global Warming is Undermined by New Discoveries

Nobody wants to listen to the evidence against Global Warming because the government doesn’t hand out money for research that fails to justify new taxes. Real scientists have just discovered a massive previously unknown source of nitrogen that could turn the Global Warming nonsense on its head. My bet is that it will be ignored. […]

Dollar Contagion & Trump

President Trump just does not understand the dollar. This old school idea that lowering the currency will increase domestic jobs and exports sounds logical, but the value of any currency is determined by the level of international confidence. It is absurd to think you can lower interest rates and the dollar will decline to support […]

Germany & the SPD Proposed Wealth Tax

Acting SPD leader Thorsten Schäfer-Gümbel has drafted a concept for a wealth tax. He is proposing that this will bring the federal government €10 billion annually. He has argued that the rich have disproportionately benefited from the economic situation in recent years while the average person has struggled. He claims many even benefited from the […]