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Bureaucrats Destroying the World – The Expat Experience

COMMENT:  The diminishing (non-existent ?) possibilities for Americans to invest outside the US is not just in Europe.  I don’t live in the US but have a US passport and after a recent sale of a property, I was looking into diversifying the proceeds with investments in different countries around the world.  I was turned […]

The German Press Acknowledges The Federalization & Death of Democracy in Europe

Now the German press is starting to wake up for the headlines call it “The slow death of democracy in Europe”.  The Greens are losing ground everywhere as economics displaces environmental issues. In Germany, the SPD was reduced to a mere shadow of its former self while the Greens were reduced and the FDP crashed […]

Bureaucrats Destroying the World

Bureaucrats are the ones really behind the scenes that control the economic events. The idea that we actually have a democracy is truly just propaganda. A democracy is where you vote on each issue. Many states have such things in place at least partially as various propositions are submitted to the people in California. We […]

Fed’s Schizophrenia

Fed’s Schizophrenia (a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes) seems to have the unprofessional world in a tailspin where the talking heads are talking to themselves. The Federal Reserve shocked the media and the typical market investor when it announced that it would not taper its $85 billion bond buying program. I […]

So What Does the Future Hold?

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, In your last post you say that sovereign debt crisis may be postponed for 8.6 years.  Would this delay the phase transition in the Dow and other US share markets.  Thank you for your posts, me and others I talk to read your blog everyday. Sincerely, JD ANSWER: Any postponement in the […]

Gold & Monetary Expansion

The gold price has continued to drift lower as the no-taper rally of a week ago quickly fading into a distant memory. Whether the US Federal Reserve continues its economic stimulus program unchanged adding $85 billion a month, is really irrelevant. The Fed’s balance sheet will only hit the $4 trillion mark by the end of the […]


QUESTION: “You have said in your blog that stocks and real estate (tangibles) are the place to be but you also mention deflation. … Can we really have inflating asset prices and deflation at the same time — or are you saying the deflation comes down the road,after 2015.75 (when we will pray for hyperinflation)? ANSWER: We are […]

The Debt Ceiling Crisis

As people are arguing that there is a 40% chance of a government shut down and a default on US debt, the House Republicans are circulating proposals to kickstart tax reform, permit the Keystone XL pipeline and trim a number of federal regulations in exchange for a borrowing boost for one year. The deadline in […]

An Australian Senator Comments on Socialism

COMMENT FROM AN AUSTRALIAN SENATOR Mr Armstrong, I have been following your work for many years (back through the PEI days) when I was working in the …… I am now an Australian Senator and having seen the inside story of politics, legislative development and the dominant characteristic of ‘self-preservation’ exhibited by elected and unelected […]

Now it’s the Debt Ceiling

Now the focus will be the US debt issue going into early October. The dollar fell and world shares held near a one-week low as concerns over a potential government shutdown in Washington rises and mixed signals on U.S. monetary policy keeps the pundits and investors guessing. The key week will be next week in […]