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Gold – The Next Leg

QUESTION: Been reading your writings for over twenty years, enjoying everything. Quick question, in regards to 2015.75 and the time frame for unrest, economic implosion and capital flow directional changes. Is this the time frame that gold will once again embark on a new up leg which will conclude in the famous and typical blow off phase ? Also, do you foresee a reset with a […]

Fed is Trapped – They Have Injected Tremendous Volatility Into the System

The Fed said that it would continue buying bonds at an $85 billion monthly pace for now, expressing concerns that a sharp rise in borrowing costs in recent months could weigh on the economy. What the Fed is really saying is that behind-the-curtain everyone is screaming that interest rates will rise and that will blow […]

Netherlands Falling into Sovereign Debt Crisis

Netherlands is slipping down the Sovereign Debt Crisis as austerity measures failed. Netherlands will miss the EU’s deficit target, says a report by the State Economic Institute CPB. Prime Minister Mark Rutte is considered strong advocate stricter EU budgetary rules, but he fails because the entire idea of how to run a government used by modern […]

Government – Designed by Geniuses – Run by Morons

We cannot escape the fact that people have lost their faith in government. The latest polls show the approval rating of the US Congress has fallen to 11%. When the USA started bombing Libya, even support for Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi was at 85% and at its lowest point it was 15%. Today,  57% of voters not affiliated with either […]

Anti-Union Propaganda

COMMENT:  “You should stop this anti-union propaganda nonsense. Before unions, children used to work in dangerous factories at 12 years old and their fathers died at 30 from cancer if they had the chance not to get crushed by the machines themselves. Before unions, life wasn’t better: if was far worse. You should stop the […]

Changing the Culture of NY Investment/Commercial Bankers

Far too often we quickly forget history – even recent events of just a few years ago. It was on April 27, 2010 during the Senate’s permanent subcommittee on investigating Wall Street’s latest crisis, that the most memorable moment burst onto the scene. Democratic Senator Carl Levin of Michigan held up an e-mail that had been written almost […]

Poland Protesting Unemployment

The unemployment among the youth is a major issue as to how the system is collapsing. Politicians do not grasp that taxes reduce spending that reduces economic expansion and that reduces growth and employment. They do not understand that small government is necessary – not huge government wasting people’s money and reducing the standard of […]

California – Tax Man Cometh – As Always Their Mistake You Still Pay

California small business owners and investors are facing $120 million in back taxes after a 20-year-old tax exemption was struck down by an appeals court last year. That’s right. Government always wins. They make a mistake, and you still pay. We would be better off with the Mafia in charge – at least you can […]

The American Manufacturing Renaissance & Energy

  Detroit Abandoned Manufacturing QUESTION: Is there a “manufacturing renaissance in the USA.”    cr nz ANSWER: Yes. This is developing for two primary reasons. First: the 2011 law that has blocked Americans from starting businesses overseas. Second: many companies including auto manufacturers who rushed to Mexico to manufacture cars are coming back. Ford no […]

Latest Scandal – Rolling Stone Reveals Frontrunning

It is interesting that a magazine the Rolling Stone is often in front of the mainstream media when it comes to scandal. Matt Taibbi has been exposing a lot over the years. He first came to my attention with his article of The Great American Bubble Machine he published back in 2009. He did Too-Big-to-Fail Takes Another Body […]