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Gold $5,000+ – Why

QUESTION: You have been really hard on the “gold promoters”, yet you are long-term bullish on gold. Why would gold rise if not for all the reasons put forth by the gold promoters? ANSWER: I was a gold market-maker. Personally, I prefer gold. I prefer to handle it. But whatever my personal feeling about gold, that […]

Gold – The Coming Slingshot Move

QUESTION: You were correct and gold collapsed into June when the gold promoters kept saying buy. Was the low in June sufficient for the major low? Do we still need to see $950? ANSWER: Markets must move to extremes on both sides to provide the ENERGY for the move in the opposite direction. The further […]

Microsoft Chairman Resigning

The notorious Microsoft Corp Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer will now “retire” within the next 12 months. This is interesting for it is a code word for get the hell out of here. The shares rallied almost 9 percent on hopes that someone new will change the course of the company. But Microsoft is going […]

No SIngle Investment will Ever be Perpetual – It all changes

QUESTION: You compare gold and the Dow in 1980 and today. Are you saying stocks are better or are you referring to the difference in timing? ANSWER: There are cyclical periods for each and every aspect of investment. I talk about the gold promoters because they mislead people and tell them only gold will survive. […]

As the War Cycle Turns Up – Middle East Is Going Nuts

The truth about what is going on in the Middle East is hard to figure out. Nobody really knows. The so called rebels in Syria may be conducting suicide missions using chemical weapons on themselves to get the West to invade Syria. It did work in Iraq and we seem to be following the same […]

Greece Will Need Another Bailout

We are at the stage of complete moronism because government cannot see that it is the entire Marxist-Keynesian centralized control that is collapsing. Greece will need new bailout, says Germany’s Schaeuble. They fail to grasp that the system need to be revised from the ground up. After the downturn begins 2015.75, then perhaps we will see […]

Free Press Is Gone – Long Live the New Iron Curtain – Thank you Feinstein

The ramifications of what has unfolded ever since the revelations of Snowden has truly reshaped the world. For the past two years, I have been told from people working on Capitol Hill that the NSA was sucking up everything including their emails. Of course, as long as the US government can intimidate the US press, […]

Fed Tapering – To be or Not to be?

QUESTION: Will the Fed still taper? ANSWER: The Fed ‘tapering’ will happen but it is not truly impacting the economy. That is the whole fallacy about what is going to happen. Buying the mortgage back securities does nothing for the economy. This has neither been inflationary nor stimulating.WHY? The theory is the Fed is actually injecting […]

Emerging Markets Collapsing

India’s biggest two-day stock market slide since 2009, surging bond yields and a plunge in the rupee to a record low are pressuring officials for fresh steps to stem capital outflows and support the economy, one reason behind the 10% tax on gold. Then there is the analysis of China conducted by the Economist that […]

Money had NEVER been Tangible! Period! If you do not understand what money is you will lose your shirt & more

COMMENT: “Money will no longer be tangible?  Declaring that the tangibility of money is dead will not make it so.  Goods will always be tangible and must be traded, bought, sold in with some kind of accepted tangible commodity — be it seashells, beads, or gold and silver.  As you mentioned, paper money, when accepted, was […]