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Market Recap Week of 08-12-2013

U.S. stocks had the biggest one-day percentage drop since late June yesterday in a higher-than-average trading volume after poor results and outlooks from Dow components Wal-Mart and Cisco. Wal-Mart earnings were $1.24 compared to $1.25 expected. So we are not looking at a dramatic impact. Nevertheless, when the cycle points down, even good news is […]

Major v Minor – What is the Difference

QUESTION: ” But keep in mind that the major event should be later 2015 – not right now.” Could you please explain with more details these important words? ANSWER: The 1987 Crash was just that on the mid-term turning point with the crash unfolding, but that was short-lived and not a sustained change in trend qualifying it as a minor rather than […]

The False Move

  Just as they say there is the calm before the storm, there is always the false move before the breakout. As we approach the midpoint on the Economic Confidence Model August 7th, which is curiously 31.4 days from the low, we should keep in mind that this is the midpoint and not the climax […]

Gold Outlook

The diehard bulls are already proclaiming the low is in place so buy – buy – buy. Gold should press higher into next week, but the Weekly Bullish Reversal stands at 1423 and the year-end resistance will be 1435. The big turning point is still next January. So we are about $100 below major resistance. […]

Bail-In Crisis

These politicians are lawyers – not economists. Lawyers are trained NOT so much in how to comply with the law, but how to avoid it. When Bill Clinton was under deposition he asked what was the definition of “is”. People laughed at that. But this is how a legal background works. It is word-smithing. You […]

The Land of Smiles or Stupidity?

This is a good read. An observation of inbred social stupidity because of the political ramifications that have interfered with the true lesson of history. What is written here can be said of many cultures as well. When I would interview graduates for a job, I would go down the list of economists and […]

Technology Advancement

One of the more interesting ideas to advance travel would be to erect tubes within which a capsule would travel at about 700 mph. This is like you put documents in a tube at a drive up window at a bank or they use tubes to transport documents in buildings. If you could enter of […]

The “Solidus Mancus”

CAROLINGIANS. Uncertain king. Late 8th-9th century. AV Solidus Mancusus (19mm, 4.02 g, 8h). Imitating Abbasid issue of caliph al-Mansur. Uncertain (northern Italian?) mint. Dated AH 158 (AD 774/5). Kalima in three lines; Second Symbol in outer margin / Continuation of Kalima in three lines; mint formula and AH date in outer margin. Ilisch Group IV; MEC […]

Outlook For Wheat

Wheat is still position to move into a low for September where we have a Monthly Directional Change. We do have a important Monthly Bearish Reversal at 604250. That is the major closing support to watch. Only a monthly closing beneath that would point to a drop down to the 580250 level.

Bail-Ins May Spark Far More Than People Realize

QUESTION: I listened to a radio interview where you said the Dow could double by 2016. Is that for real? ANSWER: Yes! There is never a single reason for anything despite the TV reduces everything to this happened because of this. There is the major trend of Public confidence that shifts to Private. We can […]