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Is Hyperinflation Associated only with Revolutionary New Governments?

QUESTION: I have done my own homework and it appears you are correct regarding monetary history and that simply because a currency is “fiat” does not result in hyperinflation, Even the Greenback of the US Civil War did not result in hyperinflation. Is it correct to say then that hyperinflation takes place only with revolutionary […]

Pakistan Bans Gold Imports

Pakistan has banned the import of gold and India might now follow since its import tax has lead to a massive rise in gold-smuggling. Making it illegal gives the governments the right to confiscate the metal. The governments of India and Pakistan have imposed punitive taxes and restrictions but outright bans on gold against the consumption by […]

President Obama Wants to End Bail-Outs for Fannie & Freddie

Obama – End FANNIE & FREDDIE! President Obama after almost 5 years FOLLOWING the taxpayers bailout of the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, said on Tuesday that it’s time to end government bailouts for the mortgage industry and for private investors to take a bigger role in the mortgage market. That is kind of […]

Congress Has Been Denied Access to NSA Information – They Cannot Oversee Anything

Obama effectively has outright lied to the world and the American people. He said the NSA posed no risk because it was overseen by Congress. What has emerged now is that is simply not true. This is a hunt for money on a grand scale. If this statement is wrong, then simply pass an act […]

NSA Collects Word for Word According to PBS

Certainly one of the more reputable news organizations has published the fact that the NSA is collecting word for word of all domestic communications – PBS. Anyone who thinks this is just about terrorism will have another thing coming. This info is being shared to hunt down money on a grand scale. This is all […]

How Empires Collapse – A Orderly Path to Conclusion?

A number of people have asked what does the future really hold with the civil unrest/war cycle turning up next year. Government NEVER collapses because of revolution. Let’s get this one very straight. Any government as long as it is strong will crush into dust all resistance. The key to the collapse of empires is […]

Confiscation of Gold – Possible or Not?

QUESTION: Do you think gold would be confiscated by government as was the case by Roosevelt? ANSWER: Absolutely. It is a question that we must confront. As long as they think money is tangible and they seek to satisfy the bankers by servicing the debt, then they will do whatever it takes to retain power. […]

Obama Trying to Cover Up Another Investigative Program

Reuters has published an exclusive report documenting that Obama Administration has been directing agents to cover up another program being used to investigate Americans using the very phone calls they claim nobody listens to that has nothing to do with terrorism. This latest “terror” claim that is undefined and worldwide has all the earmarking of […]

EU Commission Staged Coup Against Berlusconi in Italy

What is emerging over elections in Italy is really amazing. We have had the EU claim that the Italian Mafia is controlling elections in June. However, what is now starting to emerge is that the EU Commission played an active role in staging a coup to oust the former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi and replace with […]

The Iron Curtain Starting to Close – Now STEP

Obama wants all Americans to now report voluntarily to the government regarding any foreign travel. The program is currently voluntary, but the word on the Hill is there are those who are suggesting this should be mandatory to protect Americans of course. The program is called STEP “Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.” Today, most Americans are […]