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Yellen & Jackson Hole – The Central Bank Marxist Festival

Global central bankers led by Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen gathered in Jackson Hole for their annual Marxist Festival. Of course, those in government are just way too dangerous because whatever they see never involves them as a cause of any problem. It is impossible to see how to engage the economy when you eliminate […]

Orange County December 1994 Bankruptcy

On December 6th, 1994, Orange County California became the largest municipality in U.S. history ever to file for bankruptcy. The financial difficulties leading to the bankruptcy were the direct result of an enormous gamble with public funds taken by a county treasurer who was seriously under-qualified to deal in the kinds of investments he chose. […]

Are Meteors Included in the ECM?

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Just to probe your theory further, If a meteor were to hit New York and wipe out Wall Street would your predictions on ECM still be intact? Don’t tell me even meteors also are part of cycle to choose when to hit the earth 🙂 Best wishes, S ANSWER: Honestly, the answer to […]

Capital Flows – Domestic v International

QUESTION: Martin, The problem with cap money flows is that they can turn quickly. For instance, does socrates  take in to acct the drought in the west? If so it must know that the cattlemen are preparing for major water deliveries. This is happening all the way the the hills of the SF bay area. Good […]

Swiss Proposal to End Private Banking

The Swiss are getting a bad reputation for starting to have some off-the-chain socialist nut-job groups who obviously do not understand humanity, desire to suppress it and control it, and never bother to investigate an issue before blurting out solutions. The latest proposal is to effectively destroy banking completely assuming that leverage is the problem. […]

Then & Now – Always the Same

We are at the 1927 Phase of events that is important to understand. There has historically always been a difference in economics trends between Europe and America. This became self-evident back in 1720 that was the Mississippi and South Sea Bubbles. One of the earliest forecasts that our computer made back in 1980 was that […]

When Will the Monetary System Crack?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: Thank you so much for coming in front of the curtain. Your views are absolutely enlightening. You provide colour to events from experience and I have sat in meetings at the …….. bank shocked at the lack of understanding that emerges from the board of directors. You are correct. They are the […]

The Press Keep Talking The Market Down – Historically this is Very Bullish Indeed

I have warned about how the press had constantly written negatively about the rising stock market during the 1920s.  Once again, the press are now hanging on the hope that the Fed will start to raise rates to justify their bearish bias swearing the market cannot be justified at these highs. However, I have shown […]

Fed’s Exit Tax on Bonds – Confirms Liquidity Crisis

The greatest threat we have to the financial stability of the entire global economy is the collapse in liquidity. Governments cannot understand that their desperate need for money that has unleashed the worldwide hunt (or shakedown) is producing the greatest collapse in liquidity on a global scale perhaps in modern history. Even just recently, the […]

Bank of England to Raise Rates – Not Lower

The head of the Bank of England, Mark Carney delivered a speech at the “Lord Mayor’s Banquet” in London’s financial district with the surprise announcement of an interest rate reversal. United Kingdom This is a departure from the policy of the ECB. Primarily, the British economy was saved by staying out of the Euro. The significant […]