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The Significance of the Velocity of Money

QUESTION: Greetings Marty, I have followed you since the old Money Radio days! Can you help me understand the disparity between the declining velocity of money, the growth of the economy and what the natural consequence may be? Thank you for your willingness to share your knowledge! Regards, MRM   ANSWER: Oh yes. Buzz Schwartz […]

The Press Conspire to Influence the Elections Come November 2018 to Overthrow Trump

The FAKE NEWS is banning together to try to overthrow Trump and the Republicans this election season. They do not like to be called FAKE NEWS and act as if their “opinion” should dominate the country. Far too many newspapers “endorse” candidates and that is taking a political position rather than being objective reporters of […]

Gold & the Changing Fundamentals

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You are obviously the person worth listening to when it comes to gold. Every fundamental these people have argued to support gold has proven completely false. Confusion in gold is really very high. You have to be really stupid at this point to listen to this nonsense. Can you express any opinion on gold? […]

Cryptocurrency – Private v Public

QUESTION: Dear Marty: I have been reading you for over a decade. I notice a change in your attitude towards Bitcoin/Crypto. Initially, you were completely against it, now you seem to be neutral. Has something changed? We now have Futures, CBOE is coming out with an ETF, every major bank is thinking of entering the space. […]

European Banks Lending in USA Rather than Europe?

European banks have been lending in the United States quiet aggressively because (1) the economy is doing good so there is a demand for loans contrary to Europe, and (2) the behind the curtain view that the euro will decline and the dollar will rise. During the first half of 2017, European banks have lent […]

Healthcare Reform

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, President Trump is claiming that he has come up with health care programs for employees that have lowered the cost below Obamacare. Do you think this is a true statement? Trump also claims he is coming up with even lower health care costs. Amazon, JPMorgan and Warren Buffet are creating healthcare services for […]

Italy – the Coming Revolution & Euro Crisis for 2021?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you obviously have a database on Italy that is without comparison. Nobody else even had a chart on the Italian lira you recently published on the blog. I know you are well aware of the revolutions in Italy and the history. I was wondering do you have any forecast for the next […]

Is This the World’s Largest Robot?

Rio Tinto has employed the first fully autonomous train, which many are calling the world’s largest robot. Rio Tinto’s project has eliminated humans and that saves on pensions and salaries. This is the way of the future because of exponentially rising human costs. The train completed its first delivery of iron ore between the company’s […]

Why CONFIDENCE is the Backbone of the New Monetary System

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I found your recent article on inflation and contagions fascinating. Am I correct in summing it up that today because currencies are not commodity based, they rise and fall on anticipation of political events whereas under precious metals contagions took place by one country debasing compared to another? Thank you for your […]

Herod Agrippa I (41-44AD)

Herod Agrippa I (born 11BC; ruled 41 – 44 AD) after Jesus was crucified. Agrippa I was the last King of Judea with the royal title reigning over Judea. He was also the father of Herod Agrippa II, who was the last King from the Herodian dynasty. Herod Agrippa I  was the grandson of Herod […]