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TIME Names Zelensky Man of the Year as they Did with Hitler & Stalin

Time Magazine is so left it simply is beyond their imagination to ever just be down the middle. They have named Zelensky Man of the Year and he will start World War III while they also had named Adolf Hitler in 1938 Man of the Year and then had to cancel him in 1945 and […]

The COVID Scam Continues

  Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that vaccinated and boosted people made up most of the COVID-19 deaths in August. EVERY person I personally know who has had problems from blood clots to being rushed to the hospital was vaccinated. I went to get my hair cut, yes what’s […]

Europe’s Leadership – Pure Insanity

Europe is trying to impose a cap on Russian oil at $60 a barrel. Russian authorities rejected a price cap and threatened to stop supplying the nations that endorsed it. Australia, Britain, Canada, Japan, the United States and the 27-nation European Union agreed to cap what they would pay for Russian oil at $60-per-barrel. The […]

How Mainstream Media is Destroying the United States

It is becoming clear day by day why the mainstream media has been so against Elon Musk buying Twitter for as they say in law enforcement, there is a “Blue Code” where cops do not rat on cops and the same is true about judges. Mainstream media is so LEFT it has forgotten how to […]

Sponsianus (244AD)

  A second usurper from the Danube region, which today they claim is Ukraine.  Sponsianus appears to have come to power briefly in Dacia defending the area from an invasion of Germanic tribes of the Alamanni in 244AD during the early reign of Philip I (244-249AD) based upon coin finds bearing the name Sponsianus who […]

Fixation with Numbers

COMMENT: You Know…years ago, all these different monthly reports did not affect the markets day to day so much. Now…Today..these reports send huge panic cycles in the markets every time they are announced. Doesn’t that tell you something about the future?? Doesn’t that tell you something about the US economy? The end keeps getting closer. N […]

Right v Wrong

QUESTION: Marty, I have been following you now for a few years. You seem to be never wrong. You always say it is not your opinion. Is there some secret to how you do this? Nobody else seems to even compare. Or is it all just the computer? FK ANSWER: We all are human and […]

How Thinking has Inverted What was Up is now Down

I was in conversation with people I know in Europe. It is like the entire world has flipped upside down. This Climate Change Agenda is something far more sinister than anyone in mainstream media is willing to print for it has really little to do with saving the planet. If you are pro-War with Russia, […]

The West Simply Wants War With Russia

If you dare suggest peace, you suddenly are painted as a Putin Supporter. The West simply wants war and this is really about Climate Change. Even the propaganda pretending this is all Putin and if somehow he was removed, the world would be better is utter nonsense. We may see the reality of that come […]

Biden Pushes Iran into the Arms of Russia

For the life of me, whoever is writing the cue cards for Biden is clearly either deliberately trying to create World War III or is the most stupid person in the history of geopolitical analysis. Nobody, even in the CIA who analyzes global politics, would possibly be this stupid. Imposing the Russian sanctions has been […]