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Media Conspiracy that the Washington Post & NY Times Declined to Join

What is fascinating is the revelation that mainstream media has indeed conspired with the group led by Greenpeace to sell climate change. This includes the top names like CBS, Bloomberg, BuzzFeed, HuffPost, The Daily Beast, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Slate, Vanity Fair, and even the Weather Channel. However, both the left-leaning Washington Post and New York […]

Greta & Mother Living Lavishly?

The latest rumor running around Europe is based on this photo of Greta Thunberg and her mother living above normal European standards of living, sitting in posh or elegant and stylishly luxurious chairs. Greta’s speeches appear to be written by Jennifer Morgan of Greenpeace. They had Greta further their Marxist agenda saying: “Our biosphere is […]

The Rising Tide of Civil Unrest Globally

QUESTION: Dear Marty , what do you’re models say about the unrest in South America (Chili, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentinia) . It looks like the whole continent is on flames. All the best, ciao G ANSWER: I will update the Cycle of War in 2020. As I have stated many times, the computer has […]

Market Talk – December 5, 2019

ASIA: China warned the US that a “price must be paid” for the latest sanctions imposed due to the China’s oppression of the people of Uighur decent. It seems this is a step back in the long discussions over the trade war. Japan, under Prime Minister Abe, has approved a stimulus package worth in excess […]

The Big Bang and the Process Unfolding into 2025

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, I am a long time follower and devoted to your blogs. It’s something that goes well with that first cup of coffee in the morning. In your responses to some people regarding an alternate place to escape from government tyranny, I would suggest that it is not easy for many who have […]

Socrates Project – Best Kept Secret

QUESTION: Marty; A friend of mine is an analyst at one of the major banks in New York. He said they are not allowed to forecast some things as you said. He used to work for a European bank and did say it was much worse.  He said everyone who is anyone reads you. He […]

The Killing Fields & Greenpeace’s Greta Thunberg

A reader reminded me that the leader of the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot, embraced the same ideals we are listening to in the rising trend of socialism and climate change. Pot came to admire the tribes in Cambodia’s rural northeast. He saw these people were self-sufficient and lived on the goods they produced through subsistence […]

Legarde & Green Bonds

  QUESTION: Marty; Why is Legarde pitching Euro Green Bonds when they lose money? JL ANSWER: If she can use the climate change nonsense to shame Germany into agreeing to issue Eurobonds, it would be a step to eliminate the refusal to issue a single European debt. If Legarde can sell that issue, then it […]

Market Talk – November 27, 2019

ASIA: Chinese economic news today showed that industrial profits have had the biggest fall since 2011 in October. The trade war is the obvious culprit here with the global economy turning down. The industrial profits are down 9.9% year-over-year, and down 5.3% from September alone. US President Trump announced that he and President Xi of […]

The Extinction Rebellion Propaganda Exposed

There has been a rise in Europe of what is called the Extinction Rebellion, which boasts: “We are in the midst of a mass extinction of our own making.” This has been based upon a book that has put forth a theory that one of the five mass extinctions in history was caused by CO2 […]