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Melinda Gates to Divorce Bill – Hallelujah

Bill and Melinda Gates are filing for divorce. The inside scoop is she has not been happy with his direction of changing the world and all the hate mail directed at them. It was really just a question of time. What Bill Gates has set out to force the world to ZERO CO2 and to […]

Is There Ever any Good News?

COMMENT: Good day Martin and team, As im reading your blog with my wife, she said ” really? No good news ever in this world ? What is the point then!” I could not stop laughing because my family came from a former commi state ( Albania ) and thus,  we usually say that it is […]

Are we Headed into Another Ice Age?

Our model has projected we are entering another “grand-minimum,” which will overtake the sun beginning in 2020 and will last through the 2050s, resulting in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production, and less ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth. This all means we are facing a global cooling period in the planet that may span 31 to […]

Great Reset & Fake Pandemic

COMMENT: Marty, It’s one thing to steal an election, create a border crisis(when there was none) and then orchestrate an alleged attack on the Capitol, thus creating the perfect recipe for another attempt at impeachment. But with complications now surfacing with these vaccines(and follow on boosters, which by design are to ensure a continuous feed of […]

Population Crisis

QUESTION: Marty, do you think this Deagel forecast for a drop in population that is not explained is just taking your forecast for the conclusion of the Sixth Wave? GB ANSWER: I am not sure what they are referring to or how they arrived at that conclusion. Yes, I have said there remains the risk of […]

Collapse of Entertainment – Including Sports

  Oscar viewing fell below 10 million, a crash mode from last year’s historic low of 23.6 million viewers compared to nearly 30 million in 2019 pre-COVID. The entire entertainment industry, from movies and Oscars to football and sports, indicates that the future is not so bright and sunny. I warned back in 2016 that […]

Should Zuckerberg & Facebook be Shut Down?

  Facebook deleted 120,000 member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions. I have stated before that I worked on Capitol Hill trying to make a difference both on taxation and converting Social Security into a wealth fund that actually invested instead of just buying government debt. I met with Dick Army, […]

Resistance is not Futile – it is Inevitable

Comment from Ireland: It seems your 2018 article was correct & more or less on time. “From a cyclical perspective, if we begin on August 15th, 1969, then we are concluding a 51.6-year wave on 2021.2219178, which will be March 22nd. It is lining up with the Economic Confidence Model and the Monetary Crisis Cycle. Therefore, […]

The Hunt for Global Taxes

The proposal is to create a global tax rate as world leaders move to create a one-world government. The United Nations, behind the curtain, is preaching that ONLY they can solve the world crisis in climate change, for it requires a single government to control the world. On top of that, Bill Gates has taken […]

France in Lockdown

Europe is coming under a lot of pressure. In the UK, people ate becoming very angry over PM Boris Johnson’s consideration of “sinister and discriminatory” domestic Covid-19 passports. In France, the lockdown has become a symbol of total corruption and a viral report on secret luxury dinners for government ministers is reminiscent of the old […]