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Bank Portfolios Reflect Bubble for 2015.75

For the first time since 2008, banks are rushing into government Treasuries (PUBLIC) holdings faster than corporate/consumer loans (PRIVATE). Bank portfolio holdings have been a key component in monitoring the shifts between PUBLIC and PRIVATE CONFIDENCE. These shifts from government securities to private holdings within bank portfolios is an important leading indicator of the rise […]

2015.75 – Peak in Corruption? Dark Age of Socialism

The 2007.15 Peak in the ECM set in motion a profound sea-change within the economy on many levels. It was the beginning of the decline in economic power of the West and the shift in economic power to the East. Liquidity has failed to return and every office building I drive by even today has […]

Bad Bank

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Your identification and differentiation of relationship vs transactional banking in understanding the corruption of the banking system is spot on imo. Did not the evolution of this change depend on the increasing government involvement, e.g., the recent RE bubble where banks made inflated/fraudulent loans and collected fees only to sell the […]

The 6th Wave

  QUESTION: Marty, I remember you displaying a chart on the fall of Rome and the ECM. Do you have that one to show again? KW    ANSWER: Here is that chart. The last Sixth Wave marked the peak in the Roman Empire. Every historian has drawn the line to mark the beginning of the […]

Economic Evolution & the Sixth Wave

QUESTIONS: (1) Mr. Armstrong; I have read theories that this wave of economic evolution you displayed as the sixth wave at the Solution Conference  is the transformation from the industrialized world that was based upon commodities to the new age of intellectual development necessitates a new deflationary age in commodities. Some seem to be even […]

Trying to Take the Next Step Forward in Economic Evolution

COMMENT: they now propose a bill which provides that savers’ deposits in Austria will no longer be guaranteed by government. The banks should be responsible for the safety of savings, not the government. Welcome to the almost obsolete world of modern banking.Our deposits/savings largely guaranteed by transactional bankers(whos balance sheets Joe Public cannot possibly understand the […]

China to Become Financial Capitol of World – But Not Yet.

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I read that China is going to be the core economy of the world. Does this mean we should focus our funds on Chinese banks, tech firms, oil companies etc? Especially since the NSA saga, tech companies from the US will have a harder time doing business in China and this in turn […]

Peak in Government Corruption 2015.75?

  As we move into this peak 2015.75, one aspect that should become more obvious is the total breakdown in the corruption of everything. Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey was indicted yesterday on bribery charges.He has been charged for a scheme to trade political favors for luxury vacations, golf outings, campaign donations and expensive flights. […]

Hillary Commits A Crime & They Defend Her

MSNBC’s Ed Schultz who never saw a Democratic he did not like or a Republican who should not be executed, amazingly admitted in trying to defend Hillary that she is 67 years old and too old to know what she is doing. “There’s a lot of people in her demographic that just don’t want to […]

The Fed – Rates – Objectives

  U.S. stocks rallied on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve suggested a less aggressive timeline for raising interest rates even as it opened the door for the first hike in almost a decade. The Fed has come under lobbying from other countries not to raise rates. The Fed will comply for now, but when the […]