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Advising Trump

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you deny advising Trump. Yet you are the only person who had forecast that the US was holding up the rest of the world economy which he also now says. You also said Trump was making a mistake with China, and at the G7 he admitted he may have made a mistake. […]

China v US Trade War

China understands the difference between the German mercantilist model of manufacturing and sells to everyone else and the United States which became the largest economy in the world because it allowed its domestic consumer economy to develop. China will become the largest economy in the world and take the crown from the United States because […]

Obama Buys $15 Million House

Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a nearly $15 million mansion on Martha’s Vineyard. They had rented it out in August from the Celtics co-owner Wyc Grousbeck, who has been trying to sell it for the past 4 years. What is fascinating is how Democrats always demonize the “rich” and then when they leave office, […]

Spotless Sun

Recently, NASA’s photo of the sun showed ZERO sunspots. The previous and current solar cycle has been declining significantly in solar activity beyond what has been known before. There still remains the risk that we will see a further decline in the next cycle that will begin in 2020. This may have a significant impact […]

Cities are Harassing Homeowners with Excessive Fines

I have been warning about the hunt for taxes. You must realize that the worst is unfolding at the state and municipal levels of local governments because they cannot create money as is the case at the federal levels. Therefore, they pass draconian laws and enforce insane things just to raise money. In New Jersey, […]

Kamala Harris – Medicare for All

QUESTION: Marty, what do you make of Harris’s Medicare-for-all plan joining Bernie Sanders? Is this just another way the destroy the society? HY ANSWER: There is a HUGE problem nobody seems willing to address. People compare US healthcare costs to those of places like Britain. The problem is that we have a private system and […]

What Makes Currencies Rise & Fall in Value?

QUESTION: What makes currencies rise & fall in value? CC ANSWER: Many people want to reduce this to a logical explanation. It reminds me of when I testified before Congress at the House Ways & Means Committee. They had to put me on a panel with academics. I told them to make me last. The […]

Economic Storm Trump Will be Blamed For Because of Bad Advisers

There is a very Dark Cloud hovering over the world economy and at the center of this cloud lies not just Europe, but Germany – the strongest economy holding up all of Europe. The German manufacturing sector is in freefall. Trump will be blamed calling this the result of his Trade War. It is probably […]

1177 BC – The Collapse of Society System-Wide

QUESTION: I do not believe you have ever commented on Eric Cline’s book 1177BC, the year civilization collapsed. Do you think this is likely what we face or is this different? WL ANSWER: There were about eight civilizations that all collapsed with the exception of Egypt post-1250 BC. It was caused by a major shift […]

Democrats Using Climate to Create Fear Votes

Democrat presidential candidate Andrew Yang made a wild claim without any evidence whatsoever that “we’re too late” in addressing climate change. Yang even said that people need to be evacuated to higher ground immediately. This is just astonishing to have such nonsense in a presidential election. Yang admitted that the U.S. is responsible for only […]