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Market Talk – November 29, 2023

ASIA: China will likely unleash 2.28 trillion yuan ($319 billion) of next year’s special local bond quota by the end of December, state media reported, a sign Beijing is moving early to boost growth in 2024. Authorities are expected to distribute 60% of next year’s special local government bond quota to provinces ahead of time, […]

Let’s Not Dance to Their Tunes – Orban Exposes Globalists Grip on EU

(image from Reuters/Bernadett Szabo) Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary wants the people to know that the European Union is controlled by the globalists. His government has begun a campaign to explain this message, placing billboards depicting European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen with Open Society Foundations heir Alex Soros. “Let’s not dance to […]

Market Talk – November 14, 2023

ASIA:   In October, China experienced a slowdown in consumption rebound and a loss of momentum in private business confidence, as indicated by independent surveys and alternative data. Measures such as an indicator of consumer demand for recreation and transport, a survey of consumer sentiment, and a poll of private business sentiment all showed declines […]

Nordic Countries Promise Mass Deportations

Religious zealots have come out in full force in recent weeks. European nations are now realizing that they made a grave mistake by opening their doors to countless migrants who do not share the same culture or values. Reuters reported that Nordic governments are now planning to deport immigrants who have not established legal residence. […]

Market Talk – October 31, 2023

  ASIA:   China’s economy faces instability post-lockdown, with slowed trade and a substantial $9 trillion debt burden. Additionally, there’s a concerning issue with employing young college graduates, as the youth unemployment rate for ages 16 to 24 reached a record 21% in May 2023, compared to the US rate of 7.4% in the same […]

Market Talk – October 25, 2023

  ASIA: China plans to implement a new round of fiscal stimulus to support its economic recovery, utilizing a well-established strategy that relies heavily on debt and state spending. This approach lacks the more profound reforms suggested by a growing number of analysts. Some government advisers propose raising the 2024 budget deficit target beyond the […]

Golden Passports

The European Union (EU) has a new excuse to tighten travel restrictions. The European Commission published a report claiming five Caribbean states have sold “golden passports” citizenship to 88,000 individuals from around the globe, including China, Iran, and Russia. “Investor citizenship schemes (or citizenship-by-investment programmes, also commonly referred to as “golden passports”) run by third […]

Travelers will need Authorization to Enter the EU in 2024

Be prepared as the freedom of movement will begin to decline as we move toward 2032. Starting in 2024, those traveling to Europe will need to apply for authorization through the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) before their visit. The new regulations are called the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS). When […]

Market Talk – October 17, 2023

ASIA:   In September, China’s consumer prices remained unchanged, despite signs of an economic recovery. This stagnation indicates ongoing deflationary pressures and weak domestic demand. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) didn’t increase from the previous year, in contrast to a 0.1% rise in August. This was lower than the 0.2% increase estimated by economists. In […]

Market Talk – October 12, 2023

ASIA:   India’s youth population has been a source of economic optimism, but declining fertility rates are leading to a rapid aging of the population. According to a recent United Nations report, India’s elderly population (over 60 years old) is expected to grow by 41% between 2021 and 2031, and they will outnumber children under […]