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Gee Wiz! The Euro Crisis is not Over? Who would have guessed?

The Euro has plummeted dropping to 12900 zone. Our Daily Bearish on the spot lies at 12940. Portugal interest rates have jumped to 8% and will move higher. Austria has closed 25% of all the branches of their bank in crisis, and we are waiting for the first crack in German banks. The EU Commission […]

Brown Brothers Harriman

Brown Brothers Harriman A number of clients have been concerned about banks. The German Banks may be in far worse shape than most suspect. Because Germany has been seen as the foundation of Europe, with its banking problems, once they crack the Euro does not look very good. The crisis among trading banks leads to […]

Asset Allocation Blog

We have received numerous requests from old institutional clients that they need help on asset allocation. Even the famous All Weather Bridgewater Fund used by pension funds is under water. The asset allocation modeling that we have done for institutional clients over the years is adopting the most dramatic changes how portfolios should be restructured […]

Europe on Time & Track for Disaster – No Place to hide in the Euro

The European Troika has now provided Greece with a new ultimatum. Greece must show by the end of the week that it can adhere to the agreed terms of the bailout. Both the layoffs in the public sector than in the privatization process has seriously lagged behind the agenda in Greece and to receive the next […]

Metals Bull or Bear?

QUESTION: Dear sir I have read your articles extensively and i have a few questions… You have repeatedly said that the tree must be shaken (for gold) but as far as i know gold and silver are in a BEAR market. This is not a correction in a bull market any more but a bear […]

What If Everyone Used The Model?

QUESTION: Good morning. This question is for Martins blog (Martin then, I guess). What will happen if everyone starts to act according to the forecasts made by the computer, AND use Martin Armstrongs knowledge / advice as a basis when trying to be proactive to the developments forecasted. Is the human nature and creativity diverse enough, […]

European Politicians Are Realizing – Blackmail is the Game

A revelation is dawning that the excuse of the NSA looking for terrorists but taking absolutely everything, is at last causing a light to go off. European politicians realize that they are targets and the name of the game is to blackmail anyone that the NSA simply does not like. They realize that the New […]

Goldman Sachs v Armstrong

 Dancing with the 800 Pound Gorilla The strangest part of my own case was the fact that anyone who has ever attempted to go after Goldman Sachs & crew of Investment Bankers, has strangely encountered the heavy hand of government that is used to protect them resulting in the New Your Investment Bankers being called […]

How to Use the Forecasting Arrays

The question of TIME has puzzled humanity for millennia. What is it? Does it flow like a river or is it a simple dimension that can be transversed even traveling back to observe the past? Aristotle was one of the first to ponder what is TIME. His account of TIME in Physics IV.10-14, is where […]

How to Distinguish Among Banks & What Will Be Insured

It is starting to become critical regarding what bank to trust. The Bank War of Andrew Jackson just may be reemerging at last with the target being this time the “club” led by the New York Investment Bankers. The dangerous bankers in NYC and elsewhere are those who are proprietary traders. The NY Investments Bankers […]