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Paranoid or Conservative

Securing Phone Calls and Emails should no longer be for the paranoid, but good old fashion conservative business & personal practices as long as people line Feinstein pretend to represent people instead of the government institution. We have no control over her. She was sent to do “God’s Work” like Goldman Sachs.   The problem […]

It took the British Press to Defend the US Constitution

Edward Snowden is a courageous young man who the Gaurdian revealed was their source. The NSA and Eric Holder, if true to form, will seek life imprisonment as they did against WikiLeaks. Anyone who stands up to these insane people that have trashed the constitution deserves the protection of the people and the international press […]

NSA Surveillance – No Longer a Conspiracy Theory

The NSA is storing absolutely everything. Every time you type a search into Google, the NSA knows. This is what the storage in Utah is all about. If you would like to see our old site from 1999 just click here and enter There is an archive of the entire web year by year. […]

Political Trivia Test – Can You Pass It?

A little trivia to see how much history you know or wish to guess at. If you don’t know the answer make your best guess. Answer all the questions before looking at the answers at the bottom. 1) “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.” A. Karl Marx […]

Unemployment Benefits Cut – Part of Deflation

This is how Deflation operates. The budget cuts are impacting the unemployment benefits which have been cut to the states and how they pass that on will vary. Nevertheless, when the economy turns down after 2015.75 and unemployment continues to rise thanks to cutting mainly state and local government jobs, we begin to create the […]

2015 Peak in Solar Storms

Is 2015 also lining up with the major cycle in solar storms? Could this wipe out electricity shutting down the NSA at last for months?

German Economy Moving into Recession & Civil Unrest Rising

Even the IMF has now revised its forecast for German economic growth down sharply. We have been warning that 2013 Europe will turn NEGATIVE on the GDP growth as a whole. The IMF now sees major risks that the German economy is not recovering and that Germany should abandon austerity. Meanwhile, now the UN […]

Mining Profits off by 49% – How to Create the Next Cycle

Part of the reason when commodities must fall is largely due to the fact that a 13 year rally inspired the expansion of production. We saw the same thing develop into 1980 and the collapse thereafter shut down new mines. As prices fall, profits decline forcing the closure of marginal operations that became possible only […]

John McCain Voted to Put Taxes on Internet

    I have worked with politicians in Washington for 30 years. It has never been as bad as it is today. There is nobody worthwhile to even speak to anymore. I really see no difference between Republican and Democrat. People who think impeaching Obama would actually accomplish anything do not realize that there are […]

Hammurabi Legal Code

  The Code of  Hammurabi 1795-1750 BC Claude Hermann Walter Johns: BABYLONIAN LAW–The Code of Hammurabi. from the Eleventh Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910-1911 The material for the study of Babylonian law is singularly extensive without being exhaustive. The so-called “contracts,” including a great variety of deeds, conveyances, bonds, receipts, accounts and, most important of […]