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JFK Conspiracy – Silver or Vietnam?

A number of emails have been asking about JFK’s Executive Order 11110 and somehow he was assassinated for removing the authority of the Federal Reserve to issue money and transfer that to the Treasury. Oh Boy! This really tops the list. While JFK was probably eliminated for not wanting to go to war in Vietnam […]

New Allegations Against JP Morgan Emerge in Australia

A back-office accountant has emerged in Australia stating that the Australian office of J.P. Morgan failed to report losses to its parent and to the Federal Reserve. Documents have surfaced in Australia files turned over to the Senate. Even since the cycle on banking turned last year, the truth is emerging about their conduct from […]


On August 23,1935, Congress approved legislation that had a major impact on the Federal Reserve Banks, the Banking Act of 1935. This Act structurally altered forever the entire concept behind the Federal Reserve whereas its purpose originally was to provide stability with respect to internal capital flows in addition to a regulatory clearing house for […]

The Rise of Shadow Banking & The Volcker Rule

The problem with those in government is simple – they are delusional. These people like to think they have power and the world kisses their feet. They assume if they write a law, it will be followed. But like Obamacare that required everyone must have maternity leave even if they were 60, the law-makers remain […]

The Collapse of Socialism Driven by Political Corruption

The rise is Civil Unrest is precisely on time and it is being driven by economic decline in the standard of living and the opportunity to even survive thanks to socialism. Government is simply incapable of ever doing anything right or actually doing anything for society other than fill their pockets for self-interest. In Europe, […]

Wildcat Banks

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; One of the criticisms of you is that you support the idea of a central bank. Your view that Andrew Jackson destroyed the central bank and caused a depression and sovereign debt defaults appears to be a different view than what is talked about in the gold community. Could you explain your […]

Comprehending the Trend in Motion

COMMENT: Like many, panicked out of market in October ’08, (lost on stocks value and currency) and did not get back in properly. Sovereign debt crises globally results in loss of confidence in own currency, but equal loss of confidence in other currencies. Although many talk about deflation, what we see is the constant rise in […]

Panic of 1837

    The Panic of 1837 was one such incident involving an unstable currency and financial system resulting in a lack of confidence in both government and the banks. An independent treasury system emerged when President Andrew Jackson transferred in 1833 government funds from the Bank of the United States to state banks. The Bank […]

Panic 1873

The Silver Democrats came to label this financial crisis the Crime of 1873. Of course, they understood nothing with respect to the global economy and merely assumed that the could do as they desired domestically without any regard to international trends of implications. Up until the year 1873, all the dollars in the world were […]

Hedge Funds are now Too Big to Fail Qualifying them for Seizure if $100 billion+

The Federal Reserve began as a simple private sector clearing house/insurance fund, which is why the banks were the owners. Yes, the Fed was given the power to create money that was to be ELASTIC. They would create money during a bank panic to satisfy demand and then shrink it when depositors return to the […]