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Jan 6 Political Prisoners

“THEY’RE NOT AFTER ME, THEY’RE AFTER YOU…I’M JUST STANDING IN THE WAY!” Donald Trump repeatedly stated. US intelligence agencies have managed to sniff out every single person who was involved in the January 6 protest. They tracked down over 1,100 people, labeled them terrorists, and imposed harsh sentences to show the public the consequences of […]

It’s All Just Propaganda

QUESTION: Do you think it is impossible for anyone to forecast a market from a personal opinion perspective? I have followed your long-term forecasts and they have been amazing. But that is Socrates not you individually. Correct? FD ANSWER: Of course! Nobody, alive or dead, can forecast the future of any market or economy from […]

Fani Willis Letter to Jordon is to Protect Her – Not the Law

QUESTION: What is your view of Fani Willis telling Jim Jordan, Judiciary Committee chairman, that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about? WY ANSWER: The arrogant letter demonstrates that her charges against Trump et al. are purely political. You do not write to the Judiciary Committee chairman and tell him he does not know what […]

US Border Welcomes ISIS

Why is the Patriot Act in full effect when terrorists are skipping into America from the southern border? The corrupt FBI has now admitted to a human smuggling operation at the border that includes “at leas one” person with ties to the jihadist group, ISIS. A group of people from Uzbekistan sought asylum in the […]

Populism v Democracy

    COMMENT: You are just a Trump supporter. Nothing else. anonymous REPLY: I feel sorry for you. You cannot obviously question whatever the government tells you. You are the prime example of what Stanley Milgram uncovered – Obedience to Authority. I hope you have no family. Under your guidance, you have condemned their future […]

American Legal Tyranny

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Being a European, I have been shocked at how Trump could be charged with 91 crimes for the same thing. I understand your analogy that if someone kills a person, it is one crime. To set a multitude of murders based on the number of bullets fired would be absurd. So how […]

Tyranny of Interpreting Words

COMMENT: I just read your analysis of Double Jeopardy. It was brilliant. I have never seen someone analyze it the way you have done. You have captured the true spirit of what it honestly meant. God Help Us. KR REPLY: This is the entire problem a single word can be reinterpreted to inflict tyranny. In […]

Neocons In Search Of Another Stooge

Fewer than one in four Americans (24%) want President Joe Biden to run again, according to a poll published on August 17th by the Associated Press. Even 55% of Democrats do not think he should run. As far as his approval rating is concerned, he remains one of the most unpopular presidents in American history. […]

Ukraine Desperate to Start World War III

The Ukrainians carried out a mass attack with 20 kamikaze drones against the Pskov air base 700 km from the border with Ukraine and 30 km from Estonia. The drones hit an airport near Russia’s border with Estonia and Latvia, causing a huge blaze and damaging four Il-76 military transport planes, which can carry heavy […]

DOJ Protects Bidens Refuses to Comply with Rule of Law

The Biden Administration has been a major constitutional threat to the very existence of the United States. The Department of Justice (DOJ) informed the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday night that it would not cooperate with subpoenas for two FBI agents involved in the department’s investigation of Hunter Biden because of the committee’s stipulations for […]