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The Coming Big Freeze

The BIG FREEZE is upon us. The volatility in weather that our computer has been forecasting on a long-term basis should result in this winter being colder than the last. In Britain, the snow has hit an already flood-ravaged country as temperatures plunged to -7C. This is part of the problem we face. The ground […]

Volatility in Weather is Spot On! Are Pole Shifts Part of the Process?

QUESTION: What proof do you have that there is higher volatility in weather? I think you just make this up. I have not seen anywhere else with claims of new high and low records. Humans are responsible for climate change. You are spreading propaganda yourself. JG ANSWER: Well here is the list published by the […]

Germany Vows to Close its Coal Plants in 19 years

Germany is one of the world’s biggest consumers of coal. After the Japanese nuclear power plant disaster, Germany announced it would not use nuclear power back in 2012. It has remained one of the world’s biggest producers of electricity from coal. It has now announced that it will shut down all 84 of its coal-fired […]

Poland Rejects EU Demand for Zero CO2 Emissions

Poland has rejected the climate change demands from Brussels. Piotr Naimski, Poland’s chief strategic energy adviser, said energy security is a higher priority than sticking to EU emission goals. In an act of defiance, he said it was “not possible and not feasible” for Warsaw to meet the EU target of net-zero carbon emissions by […]

Civilization Dies When One Class Turns Against Another

China is NOT on board with this nonsense of climate change caused by humans. The South China Morning Post has reported that their scientists have traced their civilization and its rise and fall to the energy output of the sun. Simply put, when the climate warms, civilization flourishes. When it turns cold, we isolate ourselves and […]

Why is Socialism Dying?

QUESTION: Martin, You repeatedly say that Socialism is dying. I live in a rural area of Oregon. As a personal observation, what I see around here is that more people, and especially the younger, are indeed moving TOWARD Socialism. The influence of the media is so strong that even people we know who advocate gun […]

Winter Wonderland – Volatility in Weather & Communism

Our computer models have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is absolutely no basis for human-caused global warming and that the climate has ALWAYS changed. There is no foundation to presume that the climate is being altered by humans. There have been previous periods where CO2 levels have been more than twice […]

Using Courts to End Fossil Fuels

In Alaska, attorneys for 16 young Alaskans have sued over state climate change policy. They are trying to shut down fossil fuels and arguing their case before Alaska Supreme Court justices. They are claiming that state policy, which promotes fossil fuels, violates the constitutional right of young Alaskans to a safe climate. They are claiming […]

Sweden – How Bad can it Get?

QUESTION: SOS from Sweden: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Please take a look at Sweden. I know you can not look at every single country but Sweden would be interesting since it is the country were socialism has gone farthest in the world and totally crazy. One of the most well-organized countries in the world with the […]

GE Pension Crisis Escalates

General Electric Co announced it was freezing its pension fund for about 20,000 U.S. employees with salaried benefits as the Pension Crisis continues to build. Its pension deficit is up to $8 billion. GE’s pension plan has been closed to new entrants since 2012. This is the cost of Quantitative Easing and lowering interest rates […]