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Easter and its Origin

HAPPY EASTER TO ALL While Easter is the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ in Christianity, there are those who claim that Easter bunnies and eggs are Pagan rituals. The tradition of the Easter bunny bringing eggs is an interesting mystery. No one knows for sure how these things became a part of Easter observances. […]

Socialist Revolution On Target

COMMENT: When I hear Bill Gates state on video, that if other countries had “followed the procedures of Vietnam, New Zealand, and Australia, there would have been lesser deaths…” it is obvious to me that what he really was saying is ‘if other countries had followed the POLITICAL MOVES of Vietnam, New Zealand, and Australia’ […]

Mysterious Force of Synchronization

There is an enigmatic power which is the true Mysterious Force of Synchronization which exists in everything within the universe from electronics,  biology, all the way to planetary movement. This mysterious force is known to engineers and even the military. In 1831, there was a rather interesting collapse of the Broughton Suspension Bridge in Manchester, […]

What is 2032?

Many people have asked, “Why is 2032 going to be such a major change in the world’s political economy and society as a whole?” We are confronted by the end of the Sixth Wave come 2032, which will be a profound economic and political change. It appears these world leaders are pushing us toward fulfilling […]

Inflation Comes When People See it is Cheaper to Buy today than Tomorrow

COMMENT: Dear Mr Armstrong, I wanted to write in to affirm your observation of regular people buying now rather than waiting (The Bull v Bear in the US Markets). I had to buy a new dryer earlier in the year. It took 6 weeks to get the one I had ordered. I wanted to buy a […]

NYC Imposing COVID Passports & Biden Preparing for Same

Well you can cross the Big Apple off the Tourist list. New York City will be the first to impost Vaccine Passports to enter places. There goes Broadway. If that does not end NYC, I suppose nothing else will. You would think that if this was closer to the Spanish flu with a 3% kill […]

The Plan to Disarm Americans to Prevent Revolution

I get emails from friends in Britain who envy the US, saying if they had the right to have guns, they would be protecting their liberty. The Biden Administration has moved to force everyone to register guns. The next step is to just bust into your house and confiscate them. They are taking these steps […]

Lawsuits Filed Against Vaccines in International Criminal Court

COMMENT: Hello Marty, I hope you are well and staying very healthy! Here is a link related to ongoing deaths from this “gene therapy” spun as a vaccine. My father-in-law died last Thursday, two days short of 8.6 weeks after receiving his second dose of covid 19 vacciness. I begged and pleaded with my husband’s […]

Florida Real Estate

QUESTION: Hey Martin, You once described? the real estate market as a lake. You went on to compare the collapse of the real estate market to throwing a rock in the lake and eventually the waves will hit every shore? You have published the diagram of the Real Estate cycle and the market clearly hits […]

Coal Consumption to Rise by 16% Here in 2021

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I live in Leicester, UK. They began with these “exercises” and “simulations” as I call them regarding Power Outages. Just have one right now. There is no reason for a power outage since the network is all fine. It is all deliberately imposed. Can you explain what next? Thanks. D REPLY: They […]