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Tyrant v Statesman

Why do cycles work? Because indeed history repeats since the passions of man never change regardless of the centuries. The majority are always wrong for like Marx, they ignore HOW things function and prefer to believe only WHAT pleases their expectations. It is not that someone need be clairvoyant, all they need do is read […]

Strange Events

Just after the Pope announced his resignation, Saint Peters at the Vatican was struck by lightening a few minutes past 6PM. This is now being herald as proof that the last Pope will arrive according to St Malachy’s forecasts. I remember when there was the assassination attempt on the last Pope. The markets went dead […]

Resignation of the Pope – Was it On Time?

I have been asked was this Resignation of the Pope in accordance with the cycles? Actually yes. 2013 was a  Directional Change for the Papacy. It was 230 intervals of 8.6 years. If we take the excommunication of Martin Luther on January 3, 1521, the cycle hit also in 2011.208, The year 2013 was a […]

309.6 Year Cycle – It’s About Time

Just to make it absolutely clear, within every wave, like in a bull market, there are always counter trends or corrections. There MUST be two sides in all trends be it bullish or bearish. The overall character of the present wave is a PRIVATE WAVE meaning that in such waves markets advance more rapidly and […]

What Makes the World Tick

It is interesting how people are married to a single idea and from that position they attack anything that negates that belief. The object of research is to DISCOVER causes and effects – to not support a predetermined outcome. Anyone can do that by selecting isolated data points. For centuries people assumed that all disease […]

Climate Change

Copyright January 7th, 2013 All Rights Reserved       By There was a discovery made in 1772 near Vilui, Siberia of an intact frozen woolly rhinoceros. Here we had a prehistoric animal intact. This was followed by the more famous discovery of a frozen mammoth in 1787. You may be shocked, but these discoveries […]

The Real Threat of War – 2014

    The Cycles of War 2014 Yes the Cycles of War are due to turn up in 2014. But this will most likely begin with the rise of internal separatism and civil unrest. True this model pinpointed World War I, World War II, Vietnam all spot on. This time, it is primarily focused in […]

They Watch Everything – But Why? The Rising 3rd Party

   Copyright Martin Armstrong December 30th, 2012 All Rights Reserved   There is no longer any question that the US surveillance regime put in place by George Bush, Jr. has given birth to the most intrusive monitoring of society that has EVER existed in history. Sources on Capitol Hill explain they even feel victim because […]

The Mayan Discovery of TIME (The Real Story) 2012 

This is a special report unlike anything out there. The full data on the shifting of the magnetic poles has been included showing the earth cycles derived from raw data supplied by a scientific exploration of the ocean floor undertaken by a major university where the strips of lava are magnetized to where the north pole is at that point in time. While many have hyped the Mayan calendar as predicting the end of the world, in truth, they have distorted the far more important aspect of the Mayan Discovery of Time.

The persistent tendency to always couch everything in the typical doom and gloom has been going on for a very long time. Aethelred II of England was so convinced that the end of the world was upon society in 1000 AD, that he removed his portrait from the coinage and replaced it with a Christian symbol. When the world did not end, he restored his image the next year.

It is a shame that this constant need to predict the end of the world dominates human culture. This has prevented the real discovery about earth cycles, which is far more fascinating than the pretend end of the world. What we are witnessing are previously ignored earth changes that are also normal and on a cyclical schedule. Is the worst yet to come? If it were just the end of the world, party the night before. Fortunately, the world will survive, but your life could be disrupted with the financial markets in the years ahead.


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Southeast Asian Forecast

What a lot of people in the West may be unaware of is that Southeast Asia is trying to blend their economies into a trading region. They are maturing and preparing to rise as a very important economic center for world capital. Most significantly, when I was invited to Beijing following the 1997 Asian Currency […]