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Time to Get the Debate Moving

QUESTION: Marty; I am anxious to listen to your Solution’s Conference. This is amazing it will be seen worldwide live. I know few firms that can do a live stream like that. We looked into that technology ourselves. So I just wanted to ask one question regarding political reform. I can see that there are […]

ECB Riots Trash Frankfurt Turning into War Zone

  The violent protests downtown Frankfurt simply paralyzed the city. Barricades were burning everywhere and at least 90 policemen were injured. The city of Frankfurt, normally the obedient Germans would never act in such a manner, yet the city was reduced to a war zone. No doubt they will be looking at further restrrictions now […]

Are we Headed Back to an Ice Age?

  One of the most shocking things I bumped into in the middle of the night was when I input the data on the energy output of the sun and then correlated that into our data base back to 6000BC. Low and behold, the 300 year cycle matched up with the rise and fall of […]

Stock Market & Bonds During the 1980s

  The DAX is making this type of breakout whereas the Dow is crawling sideways along resistance. It is not quite ready for prime time. That does not  preclude the Dow from first reacting down with the first rate hike because so many people believe higher rates are bearish. Those will be the buying opportunities […]

Trial by Ice – Not Fire – The New Ice Age Cometh?

  Hey – it is snowing in Mexico City. In the 2012 Maya Report, We published the natural cycles that are most concerning. About every 11 years with the Sunspot Cycle, the poles flip polarity on the sun. I provided the evidence obtained from the lava flows at the bottom of the sea that confirm the […]

Using Pollution to Manufacture “Climate Change”

  Massive chunks of ice have come on shore at Cape Cod. The Global Warming nut-jobs are attributing this too to “Climate Change” caused by man. The fascinating aspect is they cannot explain their theory beyond 1900. They totally ignore basic physics that the sun is a thermal dynamic system which beats like your heart. […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis on Steroids

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; First thank you so much for sharing with us your views of how the world really functions. While there are the typical conspiracy arguments, you are the only one with experience. My nephew works in a major top 10 bank. He told me everyone reads you on the trading desks and […]

Can the Euro Survive Beyond 2018?

It is only a matter of time until the Euro collapses sinking into the abyss. The French presidential election could be the straw that starts the disintegration of the Euro. The reason is very clear. The economic abyss with youth unemployment over 60% warns there is the complete failure to create new jobs and overall 20% […]

Civil War Brewing Inside Republican Party

I have been warning that our computer has been projecting a rise in Third Party Activity for 2016. There couldn’t possibly be a worse character at the head of the Republican Party than John Boehner. He is all for Washington and maintaining the status quo.  Tea Party Republicans are now contemplating a coup to oust […]

The Euro – a Doomed Currency?

  We have a PERFECT DOUBLE MONTHLY BEARISH REVERSAL at 10765. The next one after that drops down to 98. Our long-term clients know what this means and how hard it is to achieve this type of indicator on our model. Here is the famous GAP in the reversals that highlighted the 1987 and 1989 […]