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Comment from Sweden

COMMENT: Hi, yesterday it was reported that the monthly official testing for covid of 2500 randomly selected persons in all of Sweden (totally ca 10 million) showed exactly ZERO covid cases in August. During the peak of the outbreak in April such testing showed merely 0,9% and in May 0,3%. These figures are officially presented […]

The Insanity of Boris Johnson & the Destruction of Britain

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Slovak Parliament passed, a few days ago, the law that obliges telecoms to hand over to the Ministry of Health the data (name, cell phone number, and location info for the last 2 weeks) on everyone who has, at any point in the prior two weeks, been abroad (and has now entered […]

Market Talk – September 9, 2020

ASIA: Some 92% of respondents to a survey released Wednesday by the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai said they were committed to remaining in the country even as the US-China relationship continues to fracture. According to the findings, more than a quarter of the US firms surveyed said that they expected US-China trade tensions […]

Is Biden for Real?

  I seriously question if Biden’s convention speech was manufactured, and I do not care that there were left-wing journalists there swearing it was all live. If that was really the case, then this clip after that speech is simply not plausible. Something is seriously wrong. Given the powers behind this election, from Gates to […]

London Protests Against COVID Restrictions

A massive rally took place also in London demanding an end to what they call is a hoax. They are telling the politicians that “people are coming today to make their voices heard against mandatory vaccinations, mandatory masks, mandatory anything really. No more lockdowns, no more second wave business.” The resistance to this absurd over-reaction […]

Gates v Putin

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, I am so grateful to you for your blog and what you are doing, fighting the good fight with your words of clarity! Recently, the Russians have announced they have a vaccine for COVID-19. Immediately the mainstream media hyperventilated about it, or ignored it. If I was forced to choose between the […]

Defunding the Police Movement

QUESTION: Marty; How can people actually support defunding the police? I don’t understand how any rational person can support that even when there have been incidents of police brutality. DT ANSWER: You have to really pick up the rug to see all the dirt and connections. This is part of this entire movement to force […]

New Zealand & Australia Have Rejected All Principles of a Free Society

  It is one thing to have free markets where we can trade even for a living. But what is unfolding around us is a whirlwind of complete authoritarian insanity. COVID-19 is not any more lethal than the annual flu. So why are governments going completely insane destroying all our freedoms? Are politicians this stupid? […]

The Agenda is Right in the Open But the Media & Politicians Turn a Blind Eye

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, By some weird stroke of coincidence, your recent article “Belgium Files Suit Against Gates & Neil Ferguson” beat me to the punch. I had planned to write you about the need for We the People of Planet Earth to organize ourselves globally and files millions of class actions the world over. […]

Market Talk – August 12, 2020

ASIA: US President Donald Trump has said China is failing to meet commitments to buy more American goods under the phase one trade deal, a sign of increasing pressure on Beijing ahead of a six-month review of the deal between senior officials. US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and Chinese Vice-Premier […]