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August Is On It’s Way

One Reader Writes: Yes Europe in their summer,  for those that actually work(ed) in European institutions, the upper management — (parasites – say it the way it is), will take ALL of August off as vacation time (can you imagine 4 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…I mean WHO in the US gets the luxury of 4 weeks vacation???).  AND […]

The Untouchables & Politics Come 2016

The United States is being seen as just hopelessly corrupt and the next downturn in the economy is not merely going to come down on those in Congress always willing to write blank checks to bailout the bankers when Genius Fails as it always does in New York when it is really just bribing and […]

The Warns of Collapse are Coming from Inside Government Now

EU Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger is part of a growing undertone within the European government that is finally getting real. He has warned that Europe is a one giant case destined for restructuring and that some countries in Europe have simply become ungovernable anymore. He has warned that Brussels does not have a clue what’s going on and still […]

What’s Wrong with Anglo-Saxons?

Neither Hitler or Stalin and certainly not Mao could ever conquer Britain of the United States. The battle cry was always liberty and justice for all. But something has seriously changed. The attitudes of those in power are like some Evil Villain out to plot against the world and are so paranoid, they cannot sleep […]

The Week of May 20th – A Major Turning Point?

Behind the scenes there has been scrambling as Southern Europe moves closer and closer to outright collapse. I warned previously that our contacts high up in the German government made it clear more than one year ago that if the choice comes down to abandoning the Euro or Austerity, the Euro will win. Letting the […]

Philippines Real Estate Boom

QUESTION: Interested in your comments regarding real estate and capital flows. I live in manila Philippines and the price of property in the financial district makati is quite mind boggling. For a third world country prices for a 2 bedroom condo can be close to 300k usd and for a 3 bedroom edging on close to […]

Gold the Real Conspiracy

Behind the dramatic fall in the gold price has been the subject of countless conspiracy theories that all pretty much center on the notion that the entire global economy revolves around gold. The only tangible conspiracy by governments is to hunt down as much cash as they can. The real secret strategy of central banks […]

Flash Crash – It is What it is!

QUESTION: Good evening Mr. Armstrong, When it comes to the precious metals I have found you to act as a much needed fulcrum between the “gold bugs” and the main straem media – thank you! In your most recent bid you say, “All Crash events take place because of the LACK of BIDS. It does […]

USA Why The Fed Risks are Nonsense

All we have heard is about the hyperinflation all based on the idea that the Fed has increased the money supply. I have warned that the dollar has become the new world currency. The German elections in September are not looking good. Let’s just step back a second and look at the issue without bias. […]

Cultural Assimilation – Europe’s Internal Crisis

The liberals of Europe do not understand that you cannot make everything “fair” in this world. I was in London and received a phone call from one of the big telecommunication clients we had in Europe. I was asked to fly over for a urgent board meeting in the morning in Germany. I had no […]