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Bloomberg News – Abuse of Client Trust

We are in the information age far beyond what anyone imagines. They are forming a new police force in Camden New Jersey and all applicants must give information right down to former girlfriends, ex-wives, birth dates of friends. Why is everyone being compelled to give such detailed profiles of their lives? At Bloomberg News, journalists […]

Gold & A Bear Market

The possibility of a 5-year bear market and the signs that will indicate that trend are covered in detail in the 2013 Metals report. Suffice it to say, just Google dollar devaluation and you get pages upon pages of everyone swearing the dollar must collapse so buy gold. Then look at the Dow. The vast […]

Taxing the Rich

There has been a major effort to hunt down offshore accounts by all governments. They do not see what they are doing to the world economy how they are closing it down and how that will lead to a massive global economic implosion. Everything that built civilization is being torn apart. A joint investigation by […]

Change Only Comes from the Bottom-up

The Republican staff are all meeting in Virginia right now. The 800 pound gorilla is the upcoming debt ceiling vote. Of course, they are explaining that there can be no confrontation over this. So they are trying to convince everyone to vote for it and what is your problem. Effectively, the staffers are the real […]

Unemployment the Lowest since 2008

The private sector continues to expand albeit modestly. This is not a long-term trend. The US economy will turn down 2015.75 for a host of reasons, rising dollar, declining sales to Europe and its recession turns into depression. This is what we have been warning about. Not all countries implode at the same time. It […]

Gold Inventories

QUESTION: What about the gold inventory decline. Is this not significant? ANSWER: No. The inventory at COMEX has always been volatile. Inventories rise and fall without any leading indicator to price. Supplies will shift also between London and New York. Inventories dropped sharply after 1980 as well. Manipulators often play with the inventories of all […]

California Sues JP Morgan Chase for Illegal Practices

The NY Banks are use to controlling the courts in NYC so much so that they forgot the rest of the world does not accommodate everything they do. California’s attorney general filed suit Thursday, alleging that JPMorgan Chase & Co. used illegal tactics in its efforts to collect debts from more than 100,000 credit card holders between 2008 […]

California & Criminalizing Avoiding Obamacare

A Reader in California writes: This today from our local Orange County Register under the Op Ed section:  “Taxing What Obamacare Makes Inevitable”  by Troy Senik.  California businesses would be penalized for cutting worker hours to dodge insurance mandate.   Democratic Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez of Los Angeles has proposed legislation–which has passed both the Assembly Rules […]

Europe – The Greatest Threat to World Economy

  The German Revolution of 1918 that brought to power the Weimar Republic, had actually invited the Russian Communists to come take control of Germany. This is why Germany went into hyperinflation. ALL wealth went into hoarding. There was nothing to be found anywhere. The new government was unable to sell any bonds because who […]

Spiral Panic

One of the often perplexing notions about markets is that there is some huge short-player who overpowers the market and forces it down. Every investigation since the notorious Pujo Hearings during the after math of the Panic of 1907 has begun looking for the mythical short player. Never has any investigation every found anyone. It […]