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Obama Sets the Stage For The Next Recession

Obama is never done raising taxes. He is a lawyer – not an economist. He and the Democrats are just hopeless. No matter what you show them, they are just out to destroy our freedom and the Republicans are too blind to even observe the real economy. Congress has now under consideration a online sales […]

Central Banks Buying Shares & Selling Gold?

What is interesting is that those who manage the more than $11 trillion in reserves for central banks know more than what they are revealing. Previously, on April 4th we reported that China’s debt holding in Euros fell to BELOW 7%. We have been collecting the raw data on the reserve holdings and will […]

Back to the Future

Of course Back to the Future was the name of a very popular series of movies. But in reality, Einstein believed that the Future, Past, and Present were all simultaneous. That is a hard concept to get you brain around, but the FUTURE is indeed merely a repeat of the past – no different than […]


Stimulated/Austerity No matter what culture we talk about, it always fights the last war. Germany is scared to death about hyperinflation since that was its experience after the Communist Revolution in 1918 during the early 1920s. The United States has been scared to death about another deflation as in the Great Depression and chooses to […]

QUESTION: If Gold is a hedge against the Governments, and the markets are never wrong, given that its in a downtrend since 2011, can question that the Governments (especially the West) have been doing the proper things this time frame / or following an evolution path?” ANSWER: It depends on what you call “proper”. Everything […]

Gold Rise in Coin Demand – Crisis Still in Trading

The rise in gold coin demand at the Australian Perth Mint and the US Mint as well as in Canada demonstrates the underlying long-term bull market should remain intact. It is coin rather than bullion you should stick to when you are talking about physical purchases. Nevertheless, from a market perspective, the gold bounce is […]

The Collapse in the Rule of Law

One of the critical factors that contributed to the collapse of Empires, Nations, and City States is when the Rule of Law collapses. Some have asked where they can read more about jurisdiction and the Rule of Law. William Blackstone published in 1765 the seminal work on this subject. His writing served as the foundation upon […]

Myth of the One-Sided Trade

I can think of nothing more than the single greatest nonsense that has frustrated me for decades – the MYTH of the ONE-SIDED TRADE. As I have stated at seminars around the world, there is this prevailing myth of some HUGE short position that forces the market down. In gold, there is the mythical short […]

Metals Still Poised For Major Decline? How Markets Really Move

The support on the June Gold is 1403 both intraday and on the close. A break of that area will begin to warn of further weakness. Keep in mind, that even going sideways into next week is a weak bullish trend that would forewarn of a serious change to the downside thereafter.The shocking aspect of […]

Gold & Silver

The next important turning point will be the week of the 29th. Using the Globex rather than the CSI perpetual synthetic contracts, we did not elect the reversals on Friday. Basis the May in Silver, we need a daily closing above 23.98 to infer a temporary low and a rally will unfold first before a […]