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US & British Are Torturing Julian Assange With Intent to Kill Him

The US prosecutors are conspiring with the British to ensure that Julian Assange never goes to trial and what is taking place is the collapse of civility and Justice which has become sheer vengeance and political prosecution. The British will not allow independent doctors to visit Assange meanwhile they have been keeping him like Jeffrey […]

FBI Under Comey Acted Illegally

  Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz’s December 9th, 2019 report clearly lays out that their informant Mr. Stefan Halper actually recorded conversations that were exculpatory and would have denied any authority to wiretap Trump’s campaign. Mr. Halper was a long-standing Washington national security expert and a Cambridge University professor. He managed to finagle himself to […]

Hillary For President 2020

QUESTION: Hi Marty do you think the probability Hillary will go for presidency in Jan/feb 2020 has increased? Is that really a possibility? Then on top of that in one of your blogs you said something could happen to Trump in 2022 which means he will be respected in 2020. Thank you for your answer […]

Was Nadler & Pelosi Paid Off Because Trump is Trying to Pullout of Middle East?

Jerrold Nadler from the 10th district of New York City has probably done far more damage to the nation than any person who has ever been elected to Congress. He has been elected to 13 terms and he may actually lose his seat in 2020 if he dares to run. He may have been given […]

Economy, Real Estate & Mass Migration

The US economy is still holding up the entire world. The US 3rd quarter economic growth was unrevised at 2.1%. This is still rather strong in the world of global recession yet still down from the 3%+ levels of pre-2008. Meanwhile, confidence in the housing market has finally rebounded but much of this is due […]

COMEY & the Unconstitutional Antics of the NY Courts

QUESTION: I remember watching a documentary about you where none other than James Comey put you in jail illegally and forced you to admit guilt to some nonsense. Similar to what happened to General Flynn in recent years. Now that the deep state is being dismantled, do you plan on filing a lawsuit against the […]

BRICS, Real Estate, & Pensions

QUESTION: Dear Amstrong, Thank you for all the training you have been teaching us for years. Even though I have gone through 3 universities and have special titles in economics and finance, only after accompanying you for these 15 years, I could understand a little of the true world in which we live. I have two […]

Home Schooling Rising As Alternative to Vaccines

My concern about this vaccine movement is straight-forward – NOBODY IS ABOVE THE LAW! Why do Pharmaceutical Companies need absolute immunity if the vaccines they are forcing on children are safe? There should be testing of the children who have died to determine what combination of vaccines and in what order they might become lethal weapons […]

Central Banks Buying More Equities than Gold? Why?

QUESTION: Marty; It seems when Goldman Sachs makes a recommendation, it tends to be the kiss of death. They came out and said the stock market was going to crash at the end of 2017 just before it broke out. Now they are pitching gold but they have been the ones who controlled the warehouses. […]

IMPEACHMENT – Big Risk for Democrats

The House vote on impeaching Trump may be the stake through the heart of the Democratic Party. Most of the people newly elected were extremely left and they remain vulnerable when they barely made it to Congress, like AOC whose approval rating is just 31%. This will be a test for the moderates v the […]