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Singapore WEC 2018

We want to thank everyone for a great WEC in Southeast Asia and the venue was excellent. The turn of events in the Malaysian peninsula were right on schedule with the change in government, which made a very interesting topic for this session. We will be looking forward to holding annual events in Asia in the […]

Do We Really Borrow From Only Ourselves? Does the Debt/GDP Ratio Means Anything?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, the famous economist Paul Krugman says that debt is ok when we owe it to ourselves. He calls it “deficit scolding” as he wrote in the New York Times. Would you like to comment on this statement? GH ANSWER: Paul Krugman seems to lack any historical understanding of how nations rise and fall. […]

Mandatory Sick Leave for Temps, Part-Time & Just Commission Employees

The State of New Jersey just keeps making it more expensive to operate a business in the state. New Jersey has now become the 10th state to adopt mandatory paid sick leave. It goes into effect on October 29, 2018. Giving sick leave to employees has been generally a standard in America. What these new regulations […]

Are Politicans Doomed?

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, You are writing: “Donald Trump is the symptom, not the cause” He is a unique personality. I am a structural engineer and work with micro Trumps. Maybe such people choose the profession as building contractors. The similarities are stunning. To get Donald Trump, you must have one. We here in Germany don´t have such […]

Volcanic Activity Melting Ice at the North & South Poles

Scientists have long suspected that there is a thermal heat source under the ice in Antarctica that may be the real cause of some ice melting in that region rather than climate change theories. NASA has confirmed that indeed this heat source exists which many have been searching for over a long period of time. At […]

Europeans Pray for QE to End?

  There is much hope buzzing around in Europe that Draghi is planning on ending Quantitative Easing. This is giving the Euro a bit of a lift in hopes that higher interest rates will stem to drastic capital outflows from Europe that resemble rats fleeing a sinking ship. Back on May 14th, Mario Draghi said the […]

Winnipeg Grain Exchange Closing Right in Time for the Cycle

  Canada’s last commodity exchange is closing. The Winnipeg Grain Exchange, which was established in 1887, will shut down for good after its owner transfers the bourse’s only remaining futures contract to New York. It is ironic that when a decision like this is made, it is often a sign of a major change in […]

Fed is Moving to Allow Proprietary Trading Again?

  QUESTION: Why is the Fed moving to relax the Volcker Rule and allow banks to once again engage in proprietary trading? I figure if anyone knew the truth, it would be you Thank you in advance PH ANSWER: Yes, the Federal Reserve Board wants to roll back the Volcker Rule, which was imposed to […]

World Economic Conference – Singapore June 15/16, 2018

Welcome to the Singapore World Economic Conference June 15/16, 2018. This will be a smaller more intimate session and we will be covering all of Asia. We are providing a printed report with all the Arrays and Reversals for Asia to map out the future. This is a special conference for we will be providing […]

Will We Have Anything Left to Leave Our Grandchildren?

QUESTION: Martin Thanks again for all you do. The subtext of most of what you talk about is overwhelmingly negative. Inflation, deflation, earthquakes, disease, government default, over taxation….. etc. Am I correct in thinking that despite your advice you anticipate most of your readers, even the most wealthy, will be left with little to hand over […]