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Democrats and Republicans Agree – Biden is Too Old for Office

Biden mumbles through every teleprompter script he’s forced to read. He is clearly suffering from a severe cognitive decline, and yet, his administration want to keep him in office. I believe this comes down more to cognitive functions rather than age, as Trump is considered an older candidate but extremely sharp. A new poll published […]

COVID Vaccine Required for LEGAL US Immigrants

There is an uptick in previously dormant viruses. Then again, countless people have entered America at the southern border illegally. Those who wish to come here on goodwill, legally abiding by US law, are forced to undergo a physical examination and receive the following vaccinations: Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis Polio Measles Mumps Rubella Rotavirus Haemophilus influenzae […]

Confidence Declining

COMMENT: Marty, I just wanted to thank you for opening my eyes. The logic that the market commentators make is nonsense. Bloomberg wrote, “Bets on a rate hike in 2023 fell after worse-than-expected economic numbers bolstered hopes the Fed can pause in September.” So you are right. They are cheering worse economic numbers because interest […]

Market Talk – August 29, 2023

ASIA:   Chinese state-owned banks are planning to lower interest rates on existing mortgages, marking the first such move since the global financial crisis. The goal is to support the struggling property sector and boost the economy, which has been facing challenges due to the debt crisis in the property market. The rate reduction will […]

The GOP Debate – Exposing the Neocons

QUESTION: Marty, you have been silent on the GOP debate. Many of us would love to hear your opinion. JH ANSWER: It was very disheartening to see those who supported Ukraine. Vivek Ramaswamy was the most level-headed, probably like Trump and RFK; he is not an indoctrinated politician preaching the party line. He said: “We […]

Market Talk – August 24, 2023

ASIA:   Asia’s economic growth is predicted to surpass that of the US and Europe this year, driven by strong domestic demand. Morgan Stanley emphasizes that Asia, including countries like Japan, is expected to outperform due to factors like China’s rebound post-reopening and supportive fiscal and monetary policies. Notably, China, India, Indonesia, and Japan are […]

Spoofing = Manipulation?

QUESTION: Marty, How the hell are you? It’s been too long. This case of charging manipulation of precious metals being “spoofing” is the end of the free markets. This eliminates the locals, and trading will never be the same. I remember when the lawyers over the insider trading cases with Michael Milken came to you, […]

Biden Selling Border Wall Supplies to Ensure it is Never Constructed

It could not be any more evident that the Biden Administration is allowing a full-scale invasion of the US from the southern border. Trump asked for around $4 billion to secure the US-Mexico border wall, a small fraction of what the US is now spending on maintaining the countless illegal aliens. New York alone estimates […]

When will the Great Unwashed Wake Up?

COMMENT: Now that it is painfully clear , there is no law in the United States, my question would be how long before the great unwashed, realize this ? I understand Socrates, is looking into 2024 , in the panic cycle increasing . What I see coming , are the populations of the world finally […]

The Death of Mainstream Media?

  QUESTION: Hello, Mr. Armstrong; Being a European and looking in the window of America, how can Americans hate Trump so much and overlook Biden and Hunter? America is becoming the laughingstock of the world. They want to imprison Trump and let this senile man and his corrupt son corrupt the world and create a […]