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Austrian Elections – Still the Anti-Socialist Vote

  QUESTION: Marty, at the cocktail party you said you did not see the far-right in Austria winning for it was not the same. Then you got pulled off. Just wondering what was different in Austria? Thank you for the conference. Don’t know where you get the energy from. RP ANSWER: Cyclically, Austria was not […]

Was Our System the Only One Correct or Were They Falsifying the Polls?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I was told by a friend that you forecast BREXIT and Trump and was the only one in the world to do so. I’ve been fascinated reading your site, particularly your discussion of Trump’s likelihood of winning when the polls and people gave him little chance. Can you possibly explain just how […]

Renzi to Resign – Italy Follows the Global Trend – Votes NO

We are witnessing what a Private Wave is all about. The Italian Referendum came in on point with the NO vote at  59.4% against 40.6%. Our model is now four for four with BREXIT, Trump, Hollande in France exiting the election, and now Italy. We will see the same defeat for Merkel. What politicians do […]

Why Politics is So Important Right Now – Markets Depend On The Confidence

Our computer has been doing a fantastic job forecasting BREXIT, then Trump and that Hollande would not make the final round for elections in France. But why are these events even important? No it is not that Trump will save the day. He will perhaps help give the USA some breathing room. But the collapse […]

Market Talk – November 28th, 2016

Asia had a fairly quiet trading day but ahead of so much market moving content this week it really should not be such a surprise. Nikkei closed almost unchanged at -0.13% but that was a healthy performance given the uncertainty drove the dash back into safe havens again, notably the JPY. The Yen traded from […]

Market Talk – November 25, 2016

Early gains were eroded having seen an in-line CPI print but the weekend book-squaring turned sentiment to settle just under the weekly highs. The currency continues to decline with the Yen trading 113.50 for the majority of the session having rejected the 114 figure change earlier in the day. The Shanghai and Hang Seng indices […]

Fractal Nature of Trading

QUESTION: Marty; you said at the cocktail party that there are four level of time within each major level of time from daily to yearly. You said that trading results depend upon how you use the model for it is not a one dimensional model so people trying to compare trading results are usually lost. […]

Market Talk – November 24th, 2016

The Yen weakness continues to off-set the Nikkei strength with today breaching the 113 level and spending most of the day trading weaker. The Nikkei rallied closing up 0.9% with exporters leading the gains given the currency play. Volumes were light but then that should have been expected given the US holidays but we remain […]

AI Computer Systems – Do They Need to be Regulated?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your incredible contribution to humanity, everything you have done so far would take thousands of average humans to achieve. I am writing to ask for your advice on a very serious problem facing mankind. With the exponential development of AI systems I can see only one conclusion to this […]

Market Talk – November 22, 2016

Early fears from the earthquake and the concerns that we would break the 18k level were soon dismissed as the morning lows created the days lows. The Nikkei traded better just ahead of the lunch break and spent the balance of the afternoon session trading from strength to strength and closing at the days highs. […]