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We Have Only 12 Years to Live – Are they using the ECM?

  QUESTION: Do you think AOC and her cohorts are using your ECM for their 12-year forecast? Add 12 years to 2020 and you come to 2032! PH ANSWER: You know, I never looked at that. Interesting perspective. We have a lot of problems, but climate change that is caused by humans is not on […]

Abusing Children to Sell and Agenda

QUESTION #1: Hi Martin! What are your thought´s about Greta Thunberg, the klimat prophet from Sweden, now out on a US tour preaching about our near mass extermination? //Robert QUESTION #2: Hi Martin. I watched the news in stunned silence last night as a16 year old ragged at me, accused me and others of my […]

The First Clean Air Act was 535AD

To me, all this propaganda that humans are responsible for climate change implies that somehow the climate is static and would not be changing but for human activity. This may make great headlines and inspire youth to create strikes and march upon the institutions of capitalism demanding their closure. However, any unbiased review of history […]

Denver has the Earliest Snowfall Ever

COMMENT: Well, I told my wife that your models warned that it was volatility which would rise in the climate so we would see colder winters and hotter summers as part of the climate change. She thought I was crazy because that’s not what they say on TV. Then it snowed here on September 3. […]

Weather Was Also Extremely Volatile During ’30s

COMMENT: You have no proof that the extreme weather from hot to cold is normal. It is humans who have created this with pollution. OJ REPLY: You seem to WANT to believe whatever the people say and demand proof from me but not from them. Our models are based on raw data. They are not […]

Can Anyone Really Influence Elections?

QUESTION: Hey Marty, If the Labour (UK) and far-left Democrats (YUSA) can use fake news and outrageous lies to manipulate the outcome of elections, destroy the capital formation in Britain, why can’t the Tory and the conservatives in both the UK and USA fight fire with fire and do the same to them? SSP ANSWER: […]

Market Talk – September 10, 2019

ASIA: In a strategy to open Chinese markets to the international investors, China scrapped the rule that limits international funds to purchase Chinese stocks and bonds. The State Administration of Foreign Exchange said today that it has removed the 300 billion USD cap on international purchases of the assets. This is a significant step in […]

AOC: Stop Reproducing – Save the World

Stop Reproducing – Save the World Let’s prevent climate change, a naturally occurring cyclical phenomenon, by not having families. The proposition sounds like a dystopian nightmare out of Orwell’s “1984,” but it’s now the latest suggestion of “progressive” NY Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “Our planet is going to hit disaster if we don’t turn this ship […]

Global Warming is Undermined by New Discoveries

Nobody wants to listen to the evidence against Global Warming because the government doesn’t hand out money for research that fails to justify new taxes. Real scientists have just discovered a massive previously unknown source of nitrogen that could turn the Global Warming nonsense on its head. My bet is that it will be ignored. […]

Heatwaves Are Serious Only on a Sustained Basis

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I thought you might be interested in some comments on Climate Change. My wife has a dear friend 87 years old who lived (and still does) in Wellington County, Southern Ontario. She sent some comments on the current heatwave. “The heatwave last week made me think of the many times my parents […]